
8 Home Remedies to Eliminate Varicose Veins

By liliaturcin5

These red, blue, or purple veins are caused by a variety of factors, such as weakened vein walls, lack of muscle tone in the legs, valve insufficiency, being overweight, standing for long periods, or pregnancy. .

Certainly, there are treatments including laser treatments which are very expensive, injection of a liquid into the affected veins, surgery and the wearing of compression stockings. But there are also home remedies that can be applied, and which give very good results.


Carrot is a vegetable rich in antioxidant substances that stimulate blood circulation to improve cell oxygenation. Beta-carotenes also have a calming power.

As an ointment: prepare an ointment made from carrot, aloe vera and apple cider vinegar. Apply at least 3 times a week, or even daily if possible.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 large organic carrots
  • 30 g of organic aloe gel (as thick as possible)
  • 50 ml of apple cider vinegar


  1. Peel the carrots and cut them into small pieces.
  2. Cook them for 15 minutes to soften them.
  3. Mix together the softened carrots, aloe vera and apple cider vinegar. Once cooled, apply the ointment to the varicose veins, using gentle upward massages (from bottom to top).
  4. Leave it on until absorbed for 30 to 40 minutes. Rinse with cold water.


The aloe vera plant contains crystals rich in essential nutrients, which are excellent for the health of our skin and for our blood circulation.

If you apply it directly to your skin, you will be able to relieve inflammation in your veins.

It has astringent and moisturizing properties which help control the formation of varicose veins in the legs.

How should you proceed?

  1. Take the amount of aloe vera you need, then rub it on the affected area, using circular massages.
  2. Let your skin absorb this liquid, then rinse the next morning.
  3. Repeat the operation every evening until your condition improves.


Due to these abilities to improve the circulation of blood flow in the body, apple cider vinegar helps in relieving varicose veins. Pain, tingling, tingling and swelling: vinegar is a solution for instant relief.

To apply: soak a cotton pad, or sterile gauze, in cider vinegar. Place it on the varicose veins for 20 to 25 minutes. Repeat 2 to 3 times a day for 1 month.

As a massage: pour a few drops of apple cider vinegar into the palm of your hand and massage the affected area. Make circular movements until completely absorbed.


Parsley is rich in vitamin C, it is a powerful antioxidant that promotes collagen production and helps with cell repair and reproduction. It also contains rutin, which plays a key role in strengthening capillaries and therefore is very useful in reducing the symptoms of varicose veins.

  1. Boil a handful of chopped fresh parsley in a cup of water for five minutes.
  2. Remove from heat, cover and allow the solution to cool to lukewarm. Then filter the solution.
  3. Add one drop each of rose and calendula essential oils.
  4. Put the solution in the refrigerator for several minutes.
  5. Using a cotton ball, apply the solution to the affected area.

Do this every day for several months to see positive results.

Additionally, try to eat raw parsley as often as you can.


Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties and it detoxifies the blood, thus allowing better blood flow.

It is possible to consume more (especially raw) or apply it locally. To use on varicose veins, slice 6 pods and store them in a glass jar.

Squeeze 3 oranges and add 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Let this mixture sit for 12 hours then massage yourself with this mixture.

Take the time to massage for a long time in circular movements then wrap in a cotton cloth and leave on overnight. Repeat the application of your natural home remedy every evening.


Cayenne pepper is rich in vitamin C, but the capsaicin that gives it its spicy flavor has also been shown to improve circulation by lowering blood pressure. To benefit from this incredible spice, drink one teaspoon in a cup of lukewarm water three times a day.


Pour 200 ml of water over a tablespoon of fresh nettle leaves then cook over low heat until boiling. Allow to cool, filter and drink three times a day before meals. This treatment must be repeated for at least six months. The treatments are relatively long, but they are worth it.


Mix equal amounts of olive oil and vitamin E oil and heat lightly. Massage the affected veins for a few minutes. Repeat twice a day.