
Lose belly fat: the 7 best exercises

By liliaturcin5

Losing belly fat is definitely one of the most famous needs. The stomach is an area that gets caught easily and is visible. In fact, it is one of the most unloved fatty areas. But don’t panic, certain exercises to have a flat stomach are very effective and allow you to get back in shape, but above all a nice, firm stomach.


Nothing burns stomach fat more easily than crunches. To do this exercise, start by lying down on a mat. With your legs bent, bring your torso back down to your lower body. Repeat the exercise several times.


Squats are also perfect for finding a toned stomach. Although they put a lot of strain on the buttocks, they also have the advantage of working many other muscles including the abdominal and back. A complete exercise therefore, and ideal for sculpting a mermaid silhouette.


Strengthening the abs guaranteed with this dynamic sheathing!

In plank, support on the arms, bring one leg bent under you and alternate for 30 seconds.

The coach’s advice: slowly at first, then faster and faster.


How to do the scissors exercise?

  • Lie on your back with your knees raised in an inverted chair (that is, your thighs are perpendicular to your torso and your calves are parallel to the floor).
  • Your head and arms are placed on the ground. Your pelvis is placed in a neutral position on the ground, it is not too arched, and your lower back is not flattened. (This neutral position must be maintained throughout the exercise!).
  • As you exhale, maintain the knee angle and lower your foot toward the floor, as low as possible, as long as your pelvis remains neutral.
  • As you inhale, bring the leg back to the starting position and simultaneously lower the other leg. Legs cross halfway.
  • Be careful to always keep your knees bent in the same way, it is the thigh that goes down.
  • For greater efficiency, you can raise your head, shoulders, shoulder blades and keep the pelvis in a neutral position.
  • Do 5 to 10 repetitions.


Position: Lying on your back, arms outstretched, hands flat, arms in line with the shoulders.

Movement: Bend your legs, feet crossed. Contract your stomach muscles and bring your knees closer to your chest. Raise your lower back, hold your breath and hold for 10 seconds. Unwind slowly and start again.

Duration of the sequence: 3 series of 8 to 10 movements.

Tip: Hollow out your stomach as you inhale to press your lower back to the ground. Be sure to keep your head straight.


Vary the muscular demands and benefit from a 2-in-1 effect thanks to the pelvis lift. It tones your glutes while engaging your abs. They are involved in maintaining your position and help you resist the force exerted by the weight of your body when you lift it.


As easy to do as a simple stretch, this exercise is ideal for working the muscles of the major oblique.

How to do ? Stand with your legs hip width apart. Tilt your torso to one side by lowering your hand as far as you can. With the other arm, form an arc above your head and stretch.

How long ? Hold this position for 5 seconds then after taking a deep breath, gently straighten up and exhale. For optimal effect, do this movement 10 times on each side.