
6 Not Recommended Plants You Probably Have in Your Home

By liliaturcin5

When we talk about toxic plants, we generally mean plants that are toxic to humans and domestic animals. We can’t take care of all living beings and in fact they do very well on their own!

By toxic plant we mean any plants that cause inconvenience, or even risks including death, for humans and animals who ingest them, touch them or simply come into contact with them.

Here are 6 not recommended plants that you probably have in your house


You may not have known it, but  holly leaves and its berries are toxic . Indeed, ingesting the berries can cause vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain.

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  • Never leave a sprig of lily of the valley within the reach of a child! Its leaves, flowers, stems and even the water in the vase that receives them are very toxic.  Indeed, lily of the valley contains  substances that slow down the heart rate  and strengthen the intensity of heart contractions.
  • Be careful because a few milligrams of toxins are enough to cause a reaction in a child if ingested. Symptoms vary and can lead to cardiac arrest .


  • Amaryllis is a  houseplant  frequently offered in winter and  appreciated for its pretty red flowers . Be careful, however, not to leave it within the reach of children or pets because  the bulb is very toxic .
  • In addition to digestive discomfort, other symptoms may appear such as  convulsions, tremors  or even dry mouth.


All parts of this beautiful plant with lilac flowers and pleasant aroma are poisonous and the substance has a neurotoxic effect. Some types of brunfelsia are added to the traditional drink of Amazonian tribes used to contact spirits.


Particularly appreciated indoors and outdoors, these flowers contain cyclamine, a toxic substance present in large quantities in the tuber. However, ingestion of this poison can cause poisoning characterized by stomach aches, nausea and vomiting and sometimes muscle paralysis.


Thanks to its large size, the false philodendron is often present in public places. If you have decided to have this “monster” in your house, remember that its leaves contain a toxic substance which, upon contacting the mucous membranes, can cause a toxic reaction. Consuming the leaves of this plant can cause severe poisoning which will require medical intervention.