
Here’s Why You Should Massage Your Feet Every Night Before Going to Sleep

By liliaturcin5

The feet are the part of the body that bears the entire weight load. They often suffer daily attacks and require special care. Foot massage offers the lower limbs a moment of relaxation after prolonged standing, being overweight or following constant wearing of shoes that prevent them from breathing.

Here are the benefits that a regular foot massage could have on you:

  • A massage is primarily intended to relax you. Given the daily stress we experience today, this should not be neglected.
  • According to a study carried out in Japan, a foot massage could not only help with anxiety , but also improve blood pressure.
  • Insomnia is a very annoying disorder. Massaging your feet every night not only relaxes you, but creates a ritual that the brain will quickly associate with sleep. You will therefore be able to fall asleep more easily, but also sleep better according to a study.
  • Helps prevent injuries: We’re walking as usual, one foot in front of the other, when suddenly we twist our ankle or get a painful cramp. A short foot massage each night can help strengthen the muscles of the foot and ankle and reduce the risk of incurring these types of sudden injuries. For added benefit, slowly rotate the foot around the ankle to relax and strengthen these muscles.
  • Relieves headache pain: In a study of patients with headaches and migraines, reflexology and foot massage were found to reduce headache pain symptoms. In Denmark, subjects even stopped taking their medications to test this hypothesis. Just three months after treatment ended, 65% of patients reported a reduction in symptoms while a small percentage of patients saw their symptoms disappear completely.