
Here’s How to Get Rid of Bacteria That Causes Stomach Burn and Bloating

By liliaturcin5

Digestive symptoms are as common as pain, and can be as distressing as chronic pain, especially when there is no explanation for them.

Heartburn is not pleasant for anyone. This burning sensation felt in the chest or in the upper part of the central abdomen considerably interferes with any daily activity.

Helicobacter pylori, what is it? 

Helicobacter pylori, or H pylori, is a bacteria that is part of the Helicobacter family, that is to say many bacteria present in the digestive tract. The only way to detect Helicobacter pylori is through a blood test. However, this bacteria is the cause of stomach ulcers and other gastric diseases when it comes into contact with the stomach wall.

Here’s how to eliminate the bacteria that causes heartburn and bloating:


This drink can hinder the spread of the bacteria and studies point out that its regular consumption can treat mucosal inflammation caused by H. pylori. In addition, the catechin it contains makes it easy to fight this bacteria thanks to its antibacterial properties.


Sources of antioxidants, cranberry juice facilitates the elimination of fat accumulated in the body. In addition, it has a diuretic effect which promotes intestinal transit and prevents bad bacteria from clinging to the stomach wall. Drink a glass of fresh, sugar-free cranberry juice every morning.


Among natural antibiotics, we find garlic. Indeed, this powerful anti-infective strengthens the immune system and regulates the intestinal flora. Its consumption is therefore recommended in the case of an H pylori infection. All you need to do is eat a clove of garlic every day to benefit from its benefits .


Recognized for its digestive properties, black cumin promotes the elimination of the Helictobacter pylori bacteria and acts as a gastro-protector. You can sprinkle your dishes with black cumin seeds. However, pregnant women are not recommended to consume it.