
Natural Tip to Eliminate Flies, Mosquitoes and Cockroaches from Your Home

By liliaturcin5

The presence of insects in a house causes a lot of nuisance. Between fly defections, mosquito bites and bacteria carried by cockroaches, life quickly becomes unbearable. In this case, you must react quickly in order to avoid an invasion of these not very pleasant creatures.

There are many insecticides on the market that can eradicate these insects but they often remain ineffective and above all harmful to our health and that of our children, due to the chemicals they contain.

For this purpose, there is an amazing remedy that can put an end to all these annoying and dangerous insects, as well as all breaking insects, including cockroaches, in just 1 hour.


  • 1/2 cup of concentrated 9% natural alcohol vinegar.
  • 1/2 cup shampoo
  • 1/2 cup natural vegetable oil

1st preparation

  1. Place all ingredients in a spray bottle and shake well.
  2. Spray all corners of the house in particular, the kitchen, the bathroom and the bedrooms, without forgetting the garden as well as all the corners likely to hide mosquitoes, flies and cockroaches.

2nd preparation

  1. Mix all these ingredients and divide the mixture into several bowls to place in each corner of the house.
  2. The vinegar will serve as bait for flies which will rush to it and be trapped by the shampoo liquid.