
Natural Tips to Get Rid of Cockroaches

By liliaturcin5

Nothing is more unpleasant than finding cockroaches in every corner of the house. To scare them away, however, avoid aerosols which are very bad for your health.


  • 1 egg yolk
  • 50 g of boric acid powder


  1. Mix the egg yolk with the boric acid powder. Stir until thick, then make small balls.
  2. Let them dry for an hour, then place them around your house, in corners, cabinets, kitchen cupboards, shelves, bathroom, etc.


  • 100 ml of 3% boric water
  • 1 egg yolk
  • A little flour


  1. Mix the boric water and the egg yolk, then, gradually, add the flour to obtain a thick mixture. Then, shape balls to place them all over your home (especially in corners).
  2. The boric acid will eventually kill any cockroaches that come near these little balls. At first you will think that this trick does not work, but after a few weeks you will find many dead insects.
  3. There is a good chance that females will lay eggs around your house, which is why it is recommended to repeat the procedure every 6 months.


  • Cockroaches are generally attracted to leftover food. To turn this attraction into a cockroach trap, we can resort to sugar. The ideal is to make a mixture of sugar and a cup of baking soda.
  • The sugar will tempt them so much that they will surely eat it. They will then die from the inside with the baking soda. Furthermore, this strategy is not recommended for individuals with children or pets. Baking soda like borax can cause irritation.


Clean your entire house with white vinegar (diluted in a little water), especially the furniture, carpets and even the walls and the cockroaches will not reappear anytime soon. Don’t hesitate to add a layer by spraying white vinegar throughout your house.


The first thing is therefore to master all the conditions favorable to their installation. Concentrate your control efforts where cockroaches abound. They like to infiltrate the small cracks on the walls of which they rub their backs and abdomens.

  • Never leave food or water uncovered and clean up spills immediately. Also, don’t leave pet food and water lying around all day and night. During the day, place the animals’ bowl in a dish filled with soapy water, as soap has insecticidal properties.
  • Store food in tightly closed boxes (no paper or cardboard that they can chew on).
  • Regularly clean around and under appliances, as well as dark, damp corners near a food source. A simple layer of grease accumulated behind the stove can ensure the survival and reproduction of several adult cockroaches. Empty the drain tank under the refrigerator, the source of water for cockroaches.
  • Clean the kitchen well every day.