
Pillows: How to Wash Them to Make Them Look New

By liliaturcin5

Your pillows are household items that require special care to keep them in good hygienic conditions and suitable for daily use.

Although it is very easy to ignore, this element absorbs leftover sweat and dirt particles which create the perfect environment for the growth of dust mites and bacteria.

Pillows should be cleaned and disinfected every two to three months, to eliminate any micro-organisms that can ruin both the pillow and sleep.


Time passes and even with regular washing, a pillow can lose its original whiteness. Don’t panic, there are some tips for whitening your bed linen. How to clean a yellowed pillow? Follow the leader !

For this simple and effective wash, you will need to use your washing machine and a few products that we all have in our house.

First of all, check the label to see if your pillow can be machine washed. Apart from a memory foam pillow, pillows from your home are allowed.

  • Step 1: Fill your washing machine 1/3 full of hot water (or even a large pot of boiling water extra)
  • Step 2: Secondly, add a cup of washing powder.
  • Step 3: Then add an equivalent dose of bleach.
  • Step 4: Add the same dose of soda crystals (or baking soda).
  • Step 5: Start the machine cycle after selecting the hottest program.
  • Step 6: When the products are well dissolved, open your machine and slide your pillow into the drum.
  • Step 7: Close the door and let the wash cycle complete.
  • Step 8: For optimal washing, do not hesitate to perform a second rinse.

After following our tips for cleaning your yellowed pillow, you will find that the famous sweat stains are just a bad memory.

How to dry your pillow after washing?

You can choose to dry in the open air, ideally in the sun which helps whiten the laundry. This method is recommended for feather and down pillows.