
Natural Recipe for Rosemary Lotion against Wrinkles and Blemishes

By liliaturcin5

Purchasing creams, serums and other expensive products does not always erase certain signs of aging such as imperfections and small wrinkles that appear after 40 years. But fortunately, the wisdom of our grandmothers has left us some do-it-yourself remedies based on very effective natural ingredients, such as rosemary tonic.


  • 3 sprigs of fresh rosemary
  • 3 tablespoons of cider vinegar
  • 2 cups of water


  1. Put and boil the water with the rosemary sprigs, let it simmer until the water is consumed in half.
  2. Let cool, strain, add cider vinegar and stir. Pour into a spray bottle.
  3. Store in the freezer.


  • Apply this rosemary tonic to facial areas with wrinkles and spots, do it morning and evening every day.
  • The power of rosemary to remove facial blemishes and wrinkles is that it helps regenerate cells, is an antioxidant, reaffirms and moisturizes the skin, is anti-inflammatory and healing.

The benefits of rosemary on the skin

Applied to the face, rosemary lotion is particularly beneficial for mature skin. In fact, they benefit from its powerful antioxidant power. In addition, it provides a pleasant refreshing effect and a firming action to combat sagging tissues.

Oily skin benefits from its astringent and purifying properties capable of tightening enlarged pores and cleansing the epidermis. In addition, upon contact with the skin, the active ingredients of rosemary regulate the secretion of sebum, a natural ointment produced in excess in oily skin and responsible for imperfections.

This virtuous natural ingredient does not stop there and provides its antibacterial properties to limit the proliferation of bacteria which lodge in clogged pores, cause infections and lead to the formation of microcysts and acne spots.