
The Best Indian Secret For Fast Hair Growth

By liliaturcin5

You’ve given yourself a square (shaved) cut, it’s very trendy but then you may want long hair for a concert or an outing, what should you do?

Don’t go looking for Harry Potter’s magic wand since it doesn’t exist. We offer you real magic, that of mother nature with the magic recipe of some Bollywood stars like Shah Rhak Khann.

Why does hair stop growing?

In reality, hair doesn’t stop growing. In fact, it’s just an impression. The life cycle of hair is not the same for every individual. The first phase, which is the growth phase, lasts 1 to 3 years on average. While in some people, it can go beyond 10 years. In the second phase, hair falls out. This period lasts 1 to 3 weeks before entering the last phase which is rest. It lasts between 1 and 12 months. Many factors influence these three phases. This is why we have the impression that the hair grows too slowly or that it stops growing. Fortunately, there are miracle remedies to balance the life cycle of our hair.

How to use onion on hair?

To perform this treatment, simply extract the juice from a few nice fresh onions.


  • 2 large onions
  • A mixer
  • A plastic hat such as a charlotte or cling film


  1. Peel the onions, cut them into rings and put them in the blender to extract the juice. Then, separate your hair into quarters and gently apply to the scalp using small massages. Personally, I prefer to do it directly with my fingers, but you can use a cotton swab or hair oil applicator.
  2. Cover your hair with the charlotte for better penetration and leave on for half an hour to an hour. For rinsing, apply a mild sulfate-free shampoo (for example, an Indian powder such as reetha or shikakaï,) and add a few drops of lemon for shine and to eliminate the onion smell! You can also opt for a scented dry oil.