
5 Tips to Make Crow’s Feet Disappear Under the Eyes Without Surgery

By liliaturcin5

These smile lines that fan out from the corner of my eye towards the temples no longer make me laugh. I have the impression that they are becoming more and more marked. I want to make them disappear or at least reduce them. Which treatment to choose? Specialists give us ideas.

1 – Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a plant that produces a gel filled with vitamins, enzymes and trace elements. Aloe vera gel has a natural tightening effect on crow’s feet wrinkles, and it can be combined with other treatments to provide even more benefits to the skin: sweet almond oil, coconut oil. or castor oil are highly recommended for the eye area.

2 – Egg white and cucumber

  • For an effective anti-wrinkle mask, nothing better than using the white of an egg, beaten with half a mixed cucumber. The mixture obtained should be applied to the entire eye area, and left to sit until it dries, before rinsing it with water.
  • Like aloe vera, egg white has a tightening effect, but it also plumps the skin and reduces wrinkles. Cucumber, for its part, hydrates deeply. A winning duo!

3 – Use smoothing or filling creams

  • It’s around the age of 30 that these smile lines, our first, begin to appear. At this stage we can slow down their progress with formulas based on hyaluronic acid or collagen synthesis activators.
  • Also a good idea are treatments with fruit acids or retinol, which, thanks to their slightly exfoliating power, boost our fibroblasts. But be careful: the skin is thin and delicate in this area. If mine is very reactive I apply the product twice a week to start.

4 – Oils

Jojoba oil, borage oil, rosehip oil and argan oil can be applied daily around the eye area by tapping lightly with the fingertips to activate microcirculation.

5 – Wear your glasses

Joëlle Ciocco, epidermologistDo not throw away your treatment with metal applicator. Two tubes will be very useful to massage both eyes at the same time!

Don’t forget to wear your glasses if you need them. There is nothing worse for tiring your eyes and creating wrinkles before their time than constantly adjusting.