
7 days – 7 kg Less (the Cucumber Diet)

By liliaturcin5

Summer is coming to an end, but the war on bulges still continues. Slimming drinks, fat-burning supplements, draconian diets… Some people even go so far as to go under the knife. If you want to lose weight without making bad choices, this cucumber diet will allow you to lose excess pounds quickly, and above all healthily.

The cucumber diet is very trendy and shares its premise with the more popular celery juice diet. This diet takes a low-calorie vegetable and makes it a hero of short-term weight loss diets, which might be why it’s also known as the Cucumber 7kg in 7 Days Diet.

The principle of the diet

To lose weight with the cucumber diet, here are the basic principles for 7 days of diet:

Control your diet and the portions you eat

Eat cucumbers as much as you like (salads, smoothies, etc.)

Eat other healthy and nutritious foods in addition to cucumber

Here is the Cucumber Diet Menu which will allow you to lose 7 kg less in just one week: (For just one day)

Breakfast:  A bowl of cucumber salad and 2 hard-boiled eggs.

Between meals:  A large apple, a peach (less than 200 g) or 5 plums.

Lunch:  Wholemeal bread and a bowl of cucumber salad

Between meals:  a “Cucumber-Shake”!

Dinner: Fruit of choice (300 grams)

Find out how to prepare cucumber salad:


  • 400 g cucumbers
  • 200 ml of natural yogurt (preferably made from goat’s milk)
  • 1 new onion
  • A pinch of salt


  1. Peel the cucumbers and cut them into small pieces, season with salt and pepper if desired. Add the yogurt and finely chopped onion. Mix carefully, your salad is ready to serve!