
7 Remedies to Make Varicose Veins Disappear

By liliaturcin5

Nowadays, many people have varicose veins. In fact, this pathology is becoming more and more common.

According to studies, around 25% of women and 10% of men have varicose veins. Varicose veins are characterized by dilation of the veins that appear under the skin.

Most often, varicose veins form in the thighs and calves, due to abnormal dilation of the walls of the veins.

As a result, the valves malfunction and blood circulation stagnates. There are natural remedies that can prevent their appearance and fade them. Here are 7 recipes and exercises to say goodbye to these traces that we could do without.

Varicose veins: what are they?

A varicose vein is a damaged vein that will expand and become protruding. Generally located on the legs and thighs, they can also appear on the calves, arms, sometimes the face, etc. Most of the time, varicose veins are associated with a feeling of discomfort and heaviness in the legs, due to poor blood circulation (stagnation). Tingling may also be felt during the night.

Working in a profession that requires standing increases the pressure in the veins in the lower limbs and increases the risk of having varicose veins… But not all “diseased” veins are necessarily swollen and unsightly. Some are just purplish in appearance while others look like knotted ropes across the surface of the skin (unpleasant to look at). Varicose veins can be a symptom of a more serious circulatory problem and cause quite intense pain. To relieve them and prevent the appearance of new varicose veins, treatment is often essential.


Cayenne pepper is considered a miracle treatment for varicose veins. It is a very rich source of vitamin C and bioflavonoids, it increases blood circulation and relieves the pain of congestion and swollen veins.

Add one teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder to one cup of hot water and mix well.

Drink this mixture three times a day for one or two months.


Applied as a poultice on the legs, cabbage leaves are popular for reducing varicose veins. And for good reason: the presence of phytochemical agents and antioxidants directly penetrate the pores and dilate the blocked vessels which are responsible for the appearance of varicose veins.


Its richness in vitamin C makes it an excellent antioxidant. In addition, it promotes the production of collagen important for the health of our cells and its rutoside strengthens capillary vessels. Of course, you can eat it more regularly, but you can also apply it as a local treatment!

To do this, boil a handful of chopped fresh parsley in 250 ml of water for 5 minutes. Leave to cool then filter. Put the mixture in the fridge for several minutes. Next, take cotton and apply the mixture on the affected area. Repeat several times a day daily over several weeks. For greater effectiveness, do not hesitate to add 1 drop of rose essential oil and 1 drop of marigold macerate (Calendula officinalis) to the mixture when it has cooled.


Due to these abilities to improve the circulation of blood flow in the body, apple cider vinegar helps in relieving varicose veins. Pain, tingling, tingling and swelling: vinegar is a solution for instant relief.

To apply: soak a cotton pad, or sterile gauze, in cider vinegar. Place it on the varicose veins for 20 to 25 minutes. Repeat 2 to 3 times a day for 1 month.

As a massage: pour a few drops of apple cider vinegar into the palm of your hand and massage the affected area. Make circular movements until completely absorbed.


Essential oils should be handled with caution, always on the recommendation of a specialist or doctor trained in their use. Used in massage, they are very effective in preventing varicose veins and improving blood circulation. It is possible to find creams or gels based on essential oils to apply directly to the legs.

The essential oil of lemon, cypress, cedar or pistachio mastic are particularly effective for toning and refreshing the legs. The combination of mint essential oil and rosemary essential oil is also very useful for soothing the feeling of heavy legs and cramps.


The combination of garlic and olive oil is very useful for restarting blood circulation. A great antioxidant, olive oil contains vitamin E, essential for blood fluidity and which prevents the appearance of clots in the arteries. Massage your varicose veins with heated olive oil twice a day for two months.


Known for its powerful anti-inflammatory properties, garlic also helps reduce the symptoms of varicose veins. Raw garlic is good for your health! “So also consider adding raw garlic to your daily diet,” adds David.