
Gnats in the Kitchen: 7 Tips to Get Rid of Them!

By liliaturcin5

To get rid of midges quickly and effectively, there are several tips, and today we show you how to get rid of them effectively and naturally.

1. Don’t leave food lying around

No visible food in the kitchen = no gnats in sight. It’s that simple. So as soon as we’ve finished eating, we put all the leftovers in the fridge and protect them with cling film.

2. Do the dishes quickly

To gnats, dirty dishes in the sink are like honey to bees. It attracts them terribly! So, do your dishes right away and don’t leave them lying around in the sink! If you have a dishwasher, put all the dishes in it and close it so as not to attract gnats.

3. Throw out the trash regularly

If you don’t want to give midges room and board, throw out your trash regularly. Because an accessible trash can is great for a gnat. He will not only live there, but also lay his eggs there! It is also preferable to have a trash can with a lid. Same if you make compost in the kitchen, cover it well. Finally, clean and deodorize your trash can daily, even the big one outside.

4. Throw away plants in poor condition

You grow some aromatic plants at home (parsley, chives, basil, etc.). It’s a very good initiative ! On the other hand, if you see that she is starting to sulk, don’t keep them in the kitchen. Rotting is one of the causes of midge infestation.

5. Repel Gnats Around Fruit

A beautiful fruit basket in the kitchen is always nice to see and especially to eat. Except that fruits act like midge magnets. To avoid this phenomenon, simply put a little garlic or cloves next to it. These scents are real midge repellents. And you can also use it against flies and mosquitoes!

6. Get rid of gnats in the pipes

Damp places are a perfect nursery for baby gnats. And what are the wettest places in the house? The pipes of course! The midge parents understand this well. They lay their eggs there galore. They must therefore be well maintained and cleaned up so as not to see future generations hatch. For this, nothing better than using white vinegar with baking soda.

7. Use white vinegar and dishwashing liquid

With this grandmother’s tip, we move up a gear. We are no longer in the preventative sector! I explain to you how to make a natural trap against midges to kill them (yes it’s horrible). Fill a bowl with white vinegar and add a few drops of dishwashing liquid. Place the bowl in a strategic location in the kitchen next to fruit, for example. The smell of the mixture attracts midges and traps!