
How to Make a Drink That Cleanses the Colon and Fights Constipation

By liliaturcin5

Poor nutrition, excesses and continuous exposure to various sources of toxins can, in some way, affect the proper functioning of the intestines. But a cleansing juice can clean out all these toxins.

Although these organs work day and night to expel waste from the body, they sometimes experience difficulty due to excess accumulation of waste.

As a result, it can produce an unpleasant feeling of abdominal heaviness and cause inflammation, gas and other disorders resulting from constipation.

Fortunately, there are 100% natural remedies to stimulate their purification and, unlike other conventional products, they do not modify the bacterial flora.


  • 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice
  • ½ teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 teaspoon of ginger juice
  • ½ cup organic apple juice
  • ½ cup warm purified water


  1. Pour the filtered water into a saucepan and heat it, but do not boil it.
  2. Pour it into a glass, add the sea salt and stir well. Then add ginger, lemon and apple juice to it, stir well and drink it immediately.

Use and warning

At first, drink this remedy three times a day, one dose in the morning, before breakfast, before lunch and around 6 p.m. in the evening. Make sure to drink plenty of water during this treatment, at least 8 glasses per day.

If you are pregnant, have an allergy or any other illness, or are taking prescription medications, you should consult your doctor before starting this colon cleansing procedure. Lemon, ginger and ginger alone can interact with other medications and cause more or less serious problems for your health.

This detox juice should not be consumed in the case of diabetes, nor in cases of ulcer or heartburn, kidney or biliary disorders, and if you are a frail or hypertensive person.

You can do this colon cleansing method once a week. This way you will speed up your metabolism, facilitate digestion and detoxify your body.

It is imperative to consult your doctor before starting a detox treatment.