
Garlic is a Natural Remedy: 6 Things It Can Heal in Your Body

By liliaturcin5

Whether eaten raw or cooked, garlic is ideal for flavoring and spicing up a multitude of dishes. But this is not the only quality of this condiment: it also has real health benefits. Used as a remedy for many ailments for centuries in the Middle East, and more particularly in Egypt, the benefits of garlic are no longer in doubt. Antioxidant, ally of the heart, antibacterial… We take stock of the multiple properties of this plant.


The antioxidants it contains make garlic a powerful ingredient to help your immune system fight off colds. Put it in your dishes every day. If a cold threatens you, try drinking garlic tea: steep crushed or minced garlic in hot water for several minutes, pour through a strainer and drink. Add a little honey or ginger to improve the taste. If you already have a cold, try these natural remedies for relief.


The antiseptic properties of garlic also make it an ally in maintaining the health of your skin. It is effective against acne and warts, but also psoriasis (it contains sulfuric compounds which calm inflammation).


In case of chronic digestive disorders or digestion problems, do not hesitate to put garlic on the menu more often. Indeed, garlic contains phenolic acids known to cleanse and purify the digestive system from the inside.

But that’s not all: garlic is also rich in inulin, a prebiotic which helps us fight against digestive discomfort and restores our intestinal flora.


The American Heart Association (AHA) publishes dietary recommendations to prevent the risk of cardiovascular disease, such as high consumption of fruits and vegetables, as well as choosing whole grain products and low-fat dairy products. . Based on numerous research findings, the AHA offers a list of specific foods with some cardioprotective effect. Garlic is one of these foods (along with nuts, soy, legumes and tea) and its consumption is therefore added to the basic recommendations of the AHA with a view to preventing cardiovascular diseases.

The majority of studies evaluating the effect of garlic on cardiovascular disease risk factors (such as blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose) were carried out with garlic supplements or extracts, in order to isolate the active ingredients. Overall, this research shows a tendency to slightly reduce blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Few studies have therefore evaluated the real impact of the consumption of fresh garlic (raw or cooked) on these risk factors and they date back a few years. In two of these studies, daily consumption of 3 g and 10 g of fresh garlic for 16 and 8 weeks, respectively, contributed to a reduction in total cholesterol. Further studies will be necessary to evaluate the effect of fresh garlic consumption on the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. According to the results of studies using garlic extracts, a daily consumption equivalent to 2 g to 5 g of raw garlic or 10 g to 15 g of cooked garlic would be necessary in order to benefit from benefits on certain factors. risk of cardiovascular disease such as total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol (“bad” cholesterol) or elevated triglycerides in the blood.


The sulfur compounds in allicin prevent the proliferation of cancer cells and protect the body from certain potential carcinogens. Furthermore, the numerous antioxidants contained in garlic protect cells from the deleterious action of free radicals, particularly involved in the occurrence of certain cancers (mainly stomach and intestine).


In addition to being a very powerful natural anti-inflammatory, garlic is also a very interesting antiviral. For millennia, it has been used to protect respiratory functions as well as to fight ENT infections and ear infections. But not only. The plant has already proven itself against fever, flu and even colds. The pods are often consumed to combat unexplained chronic fatigue, sore throats, canker sores, sinusitis and tonsillitis. Its medicinal uses are particularly numerous. Which explains why people around the world use it to preserve health and well-being on a daily basis. Moreover, it goes perfectly with ginseng, turmeric, Goji berries, echinacea and even propolis!