
How to Multiply Sansevieria, the Indestructible Plant

By liliaturcin5

Because plants have become an essential part of our interiors, we take care of their health to make them perfect allies, we zoom in on Sansevieria, a super resistant variety (that is to say since in certain African countries, its leaves are used for making rope and baskets) and so exotic.


Select a healthy sansevieria leaf and cut it with a sharp, disinfected knife. Cut the leaf into pieces of two or three centimeters, depending on the quantity of plants you want to generate.

Place the cut ends of each leaf in rooting hormones, following the package directions. This step can be omitted, but the plant will take longer to produce roots.

Insert the cut, treated end into the rooting hormone in the potting soil, to a depth of about 1 centimeter. The plant has propagated successfully.

Keep the plant moist and in a bright location, away from drafts.

Sansevieria will take about a month to form roots. Wait at least two months before transplanting it into the final pot.


Exposure: Bright light without direct sun.

Dimensions: From 30 to 70 cm, and more.

Watering: Once a week. Let the soil dry between two waterings. Drastically reduce watering in winter (once a month, or less if the temperature is cool).

Maintenance: Every month, or a little more often, pass a clean, damp sponge over the leaves to remove dust. Never milk them, as is often advised, you will only add a greasy film
to the foliage. Do not use a polishing product either, as it is too polluting.

Repotting: The plant does not need too frequent repotting. Every 4 or 5 years, when you see that it is starting to get really cramped in its pot, give it a new container, with a diameter and depth of 3 to 5 cm greater, no more . The important thing is that the pot provides good stability to the plant.

Notes: never cut the tips of the leaves, even if you find them a little prickly. This is where the growth point is. If you remove it, the development of the plant would be stopped.