
This Lemon and Potato Tip Reduces Dark Spots on the Face

By liliaturcin5

Having beautiful, smooth and flawless skin is the dream of many of us. Unfortunately, the lifestyle we impose today and the pollution that surrounds us can have a very negative impact on the quality of our skin. If you have spots on your face and want to get rid of them without spending astronomical amounts of money on beauty products, this natural remedy is for you!

The use of potatoes can help you remove spots on the face, it is an ingredient that has been used in ancestral beauty treatments due to its beneficial contributions to the skin, and its easy way of removing it. apply.


  • Clean skins of 5 potatoes
  • Half liter of milk
  • A teaspoon of turmeric
  • 120 ml of natural yogurt


  1. Pour the milk into a container, add the potato peelings and leave to rest for 2/3 hours. Then add the yogurt, mix well and leave to rest overnight.
  2. The next day add the teaspoon of turmeric and mix to completely integrate it.
  3. Apply the mask to clean skin, leave for 30 minutes, rinse the pores with plenty of water and apply a moisturizer.
  4. You will immediately feel that the skin will be softer, smoother and brighter. Apply once a week to eliminate skin imperfections in no time.