
Anti-Varicose and Anti-Varicose Veins Mask for Legs

By liliaturcin5

Varicose veins are responsible for the appearance of visible, very unsightly veins, which seem about to protrude under the skin of the lower limbs. They are due to dilation of the superficial veins of the thighs and legs. The blood return does not work well and the blood then begins to stagnate in the vessels.

To make varicose veins disappear, there are medical and surgical treatments which are very expensive. But, fortunately, there are also alternative and 100% natural treatments. So, without further ado, here is a natural remedy that reduces the feeling of heavy legs and makes varicose veins disappear.


  • 1 Aloe vera
  • 1 carrot
  • Half a cup of apple cider vinegar


  • Place a raw carrot in a blender and blend until you have a smooth carrot paste.
  • The next thing is to add the aloe vera gel and pulp.
  • You should get a fresh aloe vera leaf, and first remove the thorns, very carefully, then we need to remove the top of the leaf and then remove the pulp easily with a spoon.
  • Now add the apple vinegar.
  • It is best to pour the vinegar slowly until you see that a not too liquid paste is reached, not too concentrated, ideally to form a mask that is easy to apply to our varicose veins.
  • After you have a really good mixture, you can remix all the ingredients together to make a good paste.


  • This mixture should be distributed over our legs by massaging upwards, draining the blood and using smooth, repetitive movements. The ideal is to leave this mask on our legs for at least half an hour, then we will remove it with another massage applying hot water.
  • Another method that will complement the implementation of this mask to promote the elimination of varicose veins, is to moisten a cloth with apple cider vinegar and leave it on our legs for half an hour, thus reducing the size of the varicose veins. varicose veins.