
Lasagna swirls: put everything in the pan and it’s ready. Super yummy!

By liliaturcin5

Lasagna swirls: put everything in the pan and it’s ready. Super yummy!

Do you want a really appetizing first course? These lasagna rolls with ricotta and ham that we offer below may be the right answer to this desire. It is a “white” version of lasagna that will conquer even the most squeamish.

Among other things, these swivels are prepared in a very short time: no more than ten minutes, a quarter of an hour.

Let’s see how.

The ingredients

The ingredients we need to bring this tasty first course to the table are:

300 g of ricotta
Bechamel to taste
250 g of egg lasagna
Butter to taste
350 g of cheese
200 g of cooked ham

The preparation

The first thing is to place the lasagna sheet on a work surface, which we will have blanched for a few seconds. Then we spread the ricotta over it with a spoon and then add the diced ham. Let’s go ahead by covering everything with grated cheese: for example, emmental can be fine, but also scamorza, asiago or provola.

Having deposited this filling, we now roll up the dough on itself and then cut it vertically, thus giving shape to our swivels. Obviously it goes on like this until there are ingredients.

At this point, take a baking dish, grease it with butter and pour a little béchamel on the bottom . After that we just have to arrange our swivels in a nice order.

Now we pour a little more of our béchamel sauce on it and a little more grated cheese.

Now we just have to put the pan in the oven. Cook the lasagne swivels for about thirty minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

When the surface appears beautiful golden, we just have to take it out of the oven. The next move is to plate and honor this delicious dish!

Good job, have fun and bon appetit!