
Perfume and Decorate your Home: 10 Best Smelling Houseplants

By liliaturcin5

Want to bring a touch of freshness to your home? Instead of cluttering your home with several decorative objects, we recommend that you surround yourself with fragrant indoor plants. Whether they are good herbs or fragrant flowers, we promise that your interior will become more welcoming and refreshed. Now take a look at our selection of magnificent indoor plants and let their scents seduce you!


Here is an aromatic plant whose soothing, almost exotic smell perfumes our interior. In your home, the pot can be placed next to a window or door, as rosemary loves air.


Orchids are a popular houseplant, and for good reason. They are easy to keep indoors and they easily scent your bathroom.
Nephrolepis exaltata

This plant has three main advantages. First of all, it eliminates formaldehyde better than any other plant. Then, it acts as a humidifier for your home. And third, it dresses up your space wonderfully. Important, right?


Your chrysanthemum doesn’t have to stay outside. In addition to adding color to your decor, this plant will help purify the air around it.


Credit: fclegacyi

English lavender. Source: naturallivingideas

This purple plant with a thousand virtues has an exquisite aroma that reminds us of the scent of holidays and Provence. In dried flowers in bags and placed in wardrobes, lavender perfumes linen and repels moths. Placed in an airy and sunny place, this plant spreads a very present scent in the house.


This plant, also known as the Bamboo Palm, will not only purify the air, but also create a pleasant climate by regulating the humidity level. This plant needs only a few hours of sun exposure, with no direct sun on the foliage.


Not all jasmine flowers are fragrant, but there is one category of jasmine which is Jasminum polyanthum and emits a sweet scent at night. For the plant to live as long as possible, I advise you to keep it near a window to receive as much light as possible.


Both resilient and unique with its abundant foliage and tiny white flowers, the spider plant neutralizes formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene. Its fast-growing leaves absorb harmful substances like mold and other allergens, making it a perfect plant for people with dust allergies.


This pretty flower smells extremely good! If you grow it in a pot, remember to water it regularly and cut off faded flowers.


This plant gives off a minty and at the same time sweet scent and grows quickly in one season to become a shrub. To flourish, it needs plenty of sun and a low nitrogen fertilizer.


You have certainly already come across this beautiful plant in an office! It is very popular because it is easy to care for and looks beautiful with its white flowers. From the Araceae family, of Colombian origin, it appreciates light (without being under direct sun), humidity and an ambient temperature of 20 to 22°C. In addition to being beautiful, it is also useful in decontaminating interiors.