
Discover this Diet to Lose 3 kg in 1 Week?

By liliaturcin5

There’s nothing like a little diet to feel better about yourself. If there is no miracle recipe for instantly refining your figure, the all-raw, all-cooked diet remains a good alternative for losing a few pounds without too many constraints.

Losing 3 kilos quickly, in 3 days or even in 1 week, requires a radical change in your eating habits. If you are overweight, it is generally due to an unbalanced diet with too many calories. Without going so far as to count calories, remember that 1 gram of carbohydrates or proteins provides 4 kcal, and that 1 gram of lipids provides approximately 9 kcal.

So, 30 g. of butter in the morning on your toast and corresponds to 225 kcal more in your stomach (25 g. of fat). Do you add two tablespoons of spread? That’s 162 kcal more! All these small, innocuous actions accumulated throughout the day lead to weight gain week after week. If you want to lose weight quickly, it is essential to change your eating habits in order to eat better but also reduce the number of calories.


Instructions: Remember to stock up on fruits and vegetables, here’s why you should eat them in all colors! There is nothing better for losing weight: Rich in nutrients and fiber and very low in calories, they will not only serve as an appetite suppressant but will also help you stock up on vitamins.

  • Breakfast: You can choose to drink a cup of black coffee or green tea without sugar. To this you can add two seasonal fruits: an apple and a pear for example.
  • Lunch: A large salad with pieces of grilled chicken breast all seasoned with a tablespoon of virgin olive oil.
  • Dinner: Scrambled eggs on a slice of whole wheat bread to end this first day!


Instructions: For this second day of the week, your diet will be strictly vegetarian. The idea is that you realize that you can enjoy yourself without meat on the menu.

  • Breakfast: Make yourself a carrot and orange smoothie for your morning drink as well. You can have a piece of cottage cheese sprinkled with organic muesli without added sugar.
  • Lunch: At lunch, stock up on energy with quinoa with vegetables: peas, red onion, cherry tomatoes and grilled peppers. Season everything with a squeeze of lemon juice for a delicious lunch.
  • Dinner: Steamed vegetables: Carrot, potato, green beans. Season everything with Dijon mustard.


Instructions: The idea for this day will be to combine fruits & vegetables to minimize the feeling of hunger. This day may be the hardest, but stay motivated: Your efforts will eventually pay off!

  • Breakfast: A fresh smoothie with fruits and vegetables of your choice and cottage cheese sprinkled with a handful of almonds and cashew nuts.
  • Lunch: Make a large salad with the vegetables of your choice and for protein, you can eat boiled eggs. If you feel like snacking between lunch and dinner, don’t hesitate to bite into an apple!
  • Dinner: Prepare a bowl of various red fruits: Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries. Treat yourself.


Instructions: For this day, you will stock up on soup. Satisfying and full of nutrients, soups are also a very good way to lose weight, fruits and vegetables are still essential.

  • Breakfast: Avocado and apple juice accompanied by a banana. Drink green tea to hydrate yourself.
  • Lunch: A delicious shiitake and coconut milk soup and a slice of whole wheat bread.
  • Dinner: Drink a large glass of almond milk accompanied by vegetable soup that you can season with soy sauce.


Instructions: Here we will stock up on healthy carbohydrates. We often think that carbohydrates have no place in a diet, but this is not entirely true: carbohydrates are essential for the proper functioning of the body. If sugar is to be avoided, brown rice and pasta made from wholemeal flour are excellent for managing your hunger.

  • Breakfast: A slice of whole wheat bread with avocado and tomatoes, all seasoned with balsamic vinegar. A cup of green tea or black coffee without sugar.
  • Lunch: Prepare a portion (60g) of brown rice with a pan of vegetables. Eat one or two fruits for dessert.
  • Dinner: A fruit salad with seasonal fruits garnished with homemade squeezed orange juice.


Instructions: Courage, you are almost there! For this day, you will always have to favor fruits and vegetables. For your dinner and lunch, add healthy proteins like fish or organic eggs to raw vegetables. Eat some fruit if you feel hungry between meals.


Instructions: For this last day, the idea will be to repeat the same instructions from the previous day. Note that as a snack between meals, you can snack on almonds, nuts in small quantities or even a fruit of your choice. Congratulations, you have completed this week, as you will see, the result was worth it! Please note that it is not recommended to follow this diet for more than a week.