
How to Stimulate Eyelash and Eyebrow Growth?

By liliaturcin5

It’s every girl’s dream: long eyelashes and full eyebrows to highlight your eyes. To compensate for Mother Nature’s inequalities, here are 8 tips to apply now to intensify the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows. Demonstration!


Fenugreek seeds help thicken eyebrows naturally.

They contain proteins including nicotinic acid and lecithin which help hair grow.

The seeds also help rebuild the roots.


  1. Immerse a tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in water for at least 5 hours.
  2. Grind the seeds to a thick paste, then add a little coconut oil or almond oil.
  3. Apply this paste before going to bed.
  4. The next day, rinse your eyebrows with warm water.
  5. Do this remedy 3 to 4 times a week for 2 months.


Vaseline has the same virtue as olive and castor oils, it activates eyelash growth.

It deeply hydrates both the hair fiber of the eyelashes and the epidermis of the eyelids.


Rich in protein, egg yolk can help stimulate hair growth.

But first make sure you don’t have an allergic reaction by applying a small amount to the crook of your elbow. If nothing happens, you can move on to preparation.


  1. Separate the white from the yolk and beat the latter until it is smooth.
  2. Apply it to your eyebrows and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water. It is recommended to repeat the operation 2 times a week.


It’s a grandmother’s tip that has proven itself: castor oil stimulates the growth of hair, and therefore eyelashes and eyebrows.

Extracted from the seeds of a tropical plant, castor oil is full of properties that strengthen the hair, lengthen it and thicken it.

Every evening, use your index finger or a cotton swab to apply a little oil to your eyebrows.

Then, gently apply oil to the lash line, massaging with your finger. Rinse when you wake up.

It is best to apply castor oil in the evening: otherwise, the oil could hinder the application of mascara, or cause makeup to run.


Do you know argan oil? This is another home remedy to make eyelashes grow faster just like olive oil and castor oil. Argan oil contains both vitamin E and C and is therefore beneficial for having longer but also stronger and thicker eyelashes.

So just put a little argan oil on the eyelashes to help the growth and growth of eyelashes.


It is an oil that is rather “solid” in its normal state and you just have to heat it so that it becomes liquid. It also helps grow eyelashes and more generally all hairs. It nourishes them and restores them to full health.


Green tea is packed with antioxidants to improve your overall health. But, something you might not have heard of? Put a little cold green tea along your lash line to encourage eyelash growth.

Although few reviewers have tried this green tea on their eyelashes, it is still very popular for the benefits they have seen for their skin and overall health after drinking it. To use on your lashes, apply a little cooled and brewed tea along your lash line. Tea’s powerful antioxidants can work wonders for growing your eyelashes, according to Bustle beauty writer Kristen Collins Jackson.


The prodigious aloe vera is one of the natural cosmetic products that helps strengthen eyebrows so that they appear thicker.

This ingredient is rich in antioxidant and moisturizing substances. Applied regularly, it nourishes the hairs and prevents them from falling out.


  1. Take a small amount of aloe vera and rub it on the eyebrows before going to sleep.
  2. Let it absorb and rinse the following day.
  3. Use every day.