
Simple, Budget-Friendly Tips to Keep Your Toilet in Perfect Condition for a Whole Week

By liliaturcin5

Keeping your toilet clean and fresh can be a challenge, especially in high-use homes. However, with a few simple, cost-effective tips, you can keep your toilet in tip-top condition for a whole week effortlessly. In this article, we’ll share practical tips for keeping your restroom nice and clean, while saving time and money.

1. Use Homemade Effervescent Pastilles

Homemade effervescent tablets are an economical and ecological solution for cleaning your toilets. Here’s how to prepare them:


  • 1 cup baking soda
  • 1/4 cup citric acid
  • 1 tablespoon of white vinegar
  • 15 to 20 drops of essential oil (lemon, mint, lavender, etc.)
  • A spray bottle of water


  1. In a bowl, mix the baking soda and citric acid.
  2. In a spray bottle, mix the white vinegar and essential oil drops.
  3. Spray the liquid mixture over the dry mixture (baking soda and citric acid) while stirring constantly. You will see an effervescent reaction.
  4. When the reaction stops, use a spoon or ice cream scoop to form small pellets. Let them dry for a few hours.
  5. Store the tablets in an airtight container.

To use it, simply throw a tablet into the toilet bowl and let it do its job. The ingredients will dissolve, clean and deodorize your toilet, leaving a fresh scent behind.

2. Clean the Flush and Rims Regularly

To prevent the buildup of scale and bacteria, make it a habit to regularly clean the flush and toilet bowl rims. You can use an all-purpose cleaner or a solution of vinegar and baking soda. A simple scrubbing with a toilet brush will help prevent stubborn stains.

3. Let the Cleaner Work

When cleaning the toilet bowl, let the cleaner sit for a few minutes before scrubbing. This will allow the product to dissolve deposits and stains more effectively, meaning less effort on your part.

4. Use a Quality Toilet Brush

Investing in a good toilet brush is essential for effective cleaning. Opt for a brush with sturdy bristles and a sturdy handle. Be sure to rinse and dry it after each use to prevent bacteria growth.

5. Prevent Unpleasant Odors

To keep your toilet fresh, place a natural air freshener inside the water tank. You can use a cotton ball soaked in essential oil, such as lavender or lemon. Each time the toilet is flushed, a slight pleasant odor will be released.

6. Clean Other Surfaces

Remember to clean surrounding surfaces, such as the toilet seat, lid, and handles, regularly. An all-purpose cleaner or vinegar-based solution will work well to kill germs and bacteria.

By following these simple and cost-effective tips, you can keep your toilet in perfect condition for a whole week without much effort. A clean and fresh environment in the bathroom is not only pleasant, but also essential for optimal hygiene.