
How to make pickled turnips with pictures

By liliaturcin5

Pickles are one of the most important side dishes that are used with various dishes such as shawarma sandwiches, chicken, meat,,,, etc. There are different types of pickles, such as cucumbers, lemons, olives, carrots, and turnips. All of these types are increasingly in demand and included in dining tables. Today we show you a recipe for making pickled turnips with pictures

How to make pickled turnips with pictures:

the components :

  • 3 cups of water (750 ml water).
  • 1/3 cup (70 grams) coarse salt.
  • 1 bay leaf.
  • 1 cup (250 ml) white vinegar.
  • 1 kilo of turnips.
  • 1 small beet.
  • 3 garlic cloves, peeled into slices.

Steps to make turnip pickles:

Place a frying pan on the heat, fill a third of the pan with water, add salt and bay leaves, and stir until the salt dissolves in the water.

Remove the pan from the heat and leave the water to cool to room temperature. Once it cools, add the vinegar and remaining water.

Choose a fresh turnip, wash it, and start cutting it into slices on a cutting board. Also, cut the beets you have with you into slices, such as potato slices.

Prepare a suitable jar for storing turnips. Place the turnips, beets, and garlic slices and pour salt water into the jar.

Cover the jar well in a relatively cool place or the refrigerator for a week. Once this period has passed, the pickles will be ready for use.

Why did we choose this recipe for you? 

Benefits of turnip:

Turnip has a high nutritional value and is used with various oriental foods and making pickles or soup dishes. It is a wonderful fresh vegetable when added to salad dishes. Here are the wonderful benefits of turnip:

Cancer prevention:

Kale contains high levels of antioxidants and chemicals that reduce the risk of cancer. Including glucosinolates, which reduce the effects of cancer, get rid of toxins in the liver, in addition to fighting the effects of cancer-causing substances and preventing the growth of cancer cells. Turnip helps fight breast cancer and colon cancer.

Cardiovascular health:

Kale has anti-inflammatory properties because it contains a large percentage of vitamin K. This helps in preventing heart attacks, strokes, and other heart diseases. Turnip also helps improve digestion because it absorbs bile, which leads to reducing harmful cholesterol levels in the blood. Kale is a great source of folic acid, which helps provide protection and support for the heart and blood vessels.

Bone strengthening:

Turnips are a great source of calcium and potassium, which are vital elements for the growth and strengthening of bones. Regular consumption of these elements prevents various bone diseases such as the risk of osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis. Potassium is also an element that supports the production of connective tissue.

Lung health:

One of the factors causing lung diseases is vitamin A deficiency, which leads to pneumonia and various lung problems. Vitamin A is also one of the elements that maintains lung health.

Improve digestion:

Kale contains a high percentage of fiber that supports digestive health. Scientific research has proven that glucosinolates help kill stomach bacteria.

Preventing atherosclerosis:

Too many free radicals lead to oxidation of harmful cholesterol and clumping of platelets in the body, leading to atherosclerosis. Vitamins C and E are excellent antioxidants that fight free radicals.

Treatment of various diseases:

Regular consumption of turnips in your diet leads to the treatment of various diseases, such as dissolving kidney stones, treating hemorrhoids, and eliminating the feeling of hunger.

Helps in losing weight:

Turnip is a low-calorie vegetable and therefore forms part of any effective weight loss diet, in addition to the presence of a large percentage of fiber in turnip, which works to improve the metabolism and thus control excess weight and support colon health.

Asthma treatment :

Turnips contain anti-inflammatory properties. This is due to the presence of a large percentage of vitamin C, which is one of the powerful antioxidants effective in treating asthma. Studies have reported that giving turnips to asthma patients is beneficial.

Getting rid of body odor:

Turnips work to get rid of the smell of turnips. Drinking a cup of turnip juice is very useful in avoiding bad body odor.

Strengthening the immune system:

Kale plays an important role in improving the health of the immune system because it contains a high percentage of beta-carotene, thus forming healthy membranes.

 Eye health:

Turnips are a rich source of lutein, a carotenoid that promotes eye health and prevents various eye diseases such as macular degeneration and cataracts.