
English cake prepared as ready with illustrated steps

By liliaturcin5

Do you want to make an English cake with pictures and complete steps? You would prefer to make an easy and wonderful recipe with a delicious taste and rich and high-value ingredients, then the recipe for English cake in the Educate Yourself style will be your favorite. The simple ingredients are the secret to presenting the most beautiful and delicious desserts without an exorbitant cost and suitable for everyone. Educate Yourself Kitchen has presented a distinctive recipe for English cake that has been presented to you. In the easiest and simplest ways, without complications, long steps, or complicated methods that do not suit the nature of the life of the woman of the house, who needs everything that makes her life easier and easier, here is the recipe:

English Cake 33

English cake recipe with pictures and steps


  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  •  3/4 cup liquid butter
  • 5 eggs
  • Vanilla
  • 1 tablespoon orange zest
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
  • 1 cup dried fruit (apricots – raisins – apricots)
English cake

Preparation method:

In a deep bowl, put the liquid butter with the sugar and use an electric mixer until it is well mixed.

  • Then we put the eggs, one after another. We put the first and use the whisk until it disappears, then we put the second and so on until there are 5 eggs.
  • We put the orange peel on the ingredients and mix them well.
  • In another bowl, put the flour, vanilla, baking powder, and baking soda together and sift all the ingredients.
  • We cut the dried fruit into small pieces as shown.
  • You can use many types of dried fruit, raisins, for example, or any other types. You do not have to use only the types that we have used here in the recipe, so you can be creative as you want.
  • We add 3/4 of the flour to the mixture gradually using the whisk, leaving a quarter of the flour to put the chopped dried fruit in it.
  • Place the flour and dried fruit on the mixture and mix well until no traces of flour disappear in the mixture.
  • We prepare the English cake mold and put butter paper on it to make it easier for us to remove it from it easily and put the mixture in the mold.
  • Bake at 200 degrees for 20 minutes, then reduce the oven temperature to 180 degrees until the cake is cooked, between 30 and 40 minutes. To make sure it is completely done, place a knife in the dough and leave it until it is done.
  • When fully cooked, place it out of the mold, cut into slices, and serve with a cup of tea.


  • Eggs should be added gradually as mentioned in the recipe
  • Adding sodium bicarbonate in order to keep the fruit mixed into the cake and not sink to the bottom
  • The step of placing the fruit with flour is also to ensure that when the dried fruit falls to the bottom of the cake.
  • The method of baking the cake differs depending on the oven used, so you must make sure that it is completely cooked by using a knife. If it is not complete, leave it in the oven at 180 degrees until it is complete.
  • It is one of the best cakes to accompany with a cup of tea, as it has a wonderful taste.