
make the house smell beautiful by creating a fragrant aromatic recipe

By liliaturcin5

We are always looking for innovative ways and methods to help perfume the house, make the house smell beautiful, and overcome unwanted odors. Sometimes when we cook, the smell is very strong and pungent, and for people who have a strong sensitivity to these smells, they always feel anxious and unscented all the time. The smell of the kitchen lingers in their nose, and even lingers in their clothes and also the clothes in the closet.

Home freshener 1

For example, when fish is cooked in oil, the smell is terrible in the kitchen and all parts of the house. So you can use today’s recipes to help perfume your home and make it smell better. One recipe you can eat afterwards, and another recipe you use for perfume only and cannot be eaten.

Two recipes that help make the house smell nice

the components :

  • Orange peel
  • clove
  • cinnamon
  • They forget
  • cumin
  • Lemon
  • Boiling water

In a bowl, put the water and the ingredients we mentioned and leave it to boil for 20 minutes, and the scent will fill all parts of the apartment after obtaining the desired scent.

Home fragrance 3

the components:

  • 1 orange
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 6-8 cloves
  • A small spoon of anise
  • 8 cups of water
  • Sweetener (honey or sugar – optional)
  • Small black tea spoon (optional)


  •  Place the water and the rest of the ingredients in the pot and let it boil.
  •  But first peel the orange
  • Add orange peel, cinnamon, cloves, and star anise to the water
  • Leave it to boil for 20-30 minutes (if you want to fill the house with the scent
  • To make the drink, add sweetener and black tea to it.