
Why do you need to burn bay leaves at home?

By liliaturcin5

For thousands of years, bay leaves have been used in food because they have digestive, respiratory, and anti-inflammatory properties. It is a common spice because it has a different taste, and when you try to eat the bay leaf alone, you will feel the taste of bitterness, but have you thought about using another method to benefit from the bay leaf, such as burning the bay leaves? By doing this, you will be able to inhale the smell of the laurel and not the smoke, so that you get many benefits. Benefits of bay leaf.

In addition to the uses of bay leaves for culinary purposes, bay leaves have been used as a tool to cleanse the home to relieve stress, anxiety, and unpleasant energy. When burning bay leaves regularly to clean the space and increase positive energy, therefore, you need to burn bay leaves. There are many benefits of burning bay leaves, and it is a comprehensive guide to the benefits of burning bay leaves at home to get rid of stress/insomnia as well as treat breathing problems and fatigue, but you need to know the correct way to burn bay leaves while inside the home.

 Get rid of fatigue:

Bay leaves contain powerful compounds such as benin, cineole, and elemicin, and when burned, they produce a calming effect on the nerves in addition to giving a boost of energy. Burning bay leaves releases medicinal properties into the air and when inhaled, it can put you in a relaxed state of mind.

 Getting rid of insomnia:

In addition to the above-mentioned compounds, bay leaves contain a large amount of linalool, a natural terpene found in various flowers and spices that is widely used to help relieve tension and stress. A recent study conducted by the American Society of Nurse Anesthetists found that linalool helps reduce anxiety as well as enhance social interactions between people who were under the influence. The study found that in less than 10 minutes of inhaling the fumes of burning bay leaves, they felt the effects of linalool.

 Provide relief to the respiratory system:

Bay leaves are a natural remedy that helps treat blockages in the respiratory passages and lungs. They work naturally to break up and remove bad mucus and phlegm that accumulate in the throat and cause all these problems. You can burn the leaves or soak the leaves in clean water until you obtain steam that you can inhale to treat respiratory problems, or simply massage the chest with bay leaf oil to relieve respiratory problems and asthma.

Burning bay leaves for wishes:

Ancient Greek legend mentioned that burning laurel leaves was done in sacred spaces during prayer, as it was considered one of the common ways to write a desire and meditate on it, then burn it and then throw it in the wind, considering that it carries your desires until they are fulfilled.

 Pest resistance:

Bay leaf is one of the safe and effective means of ridding the house of annoying pests such as cockroaches, because the fumes resulting from burning bay leaves are very unpleasant for insects, and with regularity, you will push them to leave the areas infested with pests.

 Safety instructions for burning bay leaves:

You must burn the bay leaf properly so that it can release the healing benefits quickly. Place one dried bay leaf in a suitable holder, then place the leaf on the fire and leave it in the room while burning and close the door to allow the scent to spread throughout the place.

Do not leave bay leaves burning in the room without supervision. Make sure to extinguish them completely to get rid of the ash once the leaves are completely burned.

Benefits of bay leaf:

Digestive system health: Bay leaves have a very strong effect on the digestive system because it stimulates urination and acts as a diuretic, which reduces the presence of toxins in the body and also stimulates vomiting, especially when consuming toxic elements. Moreover, the organic compounds found in bay leaves are very effective in getting rid of digestive problems because it works as a soothing agent for irritable bowel syndrome or even alleviating the symptoms of celiac disease. Some of the more complex proteins in the diet are difficult to digest but it is the unique enzymes found in bay leaves that facilitate efficient digestion and provide nutrients.

Anti-inflammatory:  One of the most important benefits of bay leaf is its ability to reduce inflammation throughout the body. Bay leaves contain phytonutrients, a unique component called parthenolide, which can reduce the speed of infection. Irritation occurs upon topical application of bay leaf, such as arthritis or areas affected by arthritis. You can achieve this effect through regular consumption of bay leaves.

Heart health:   One of the important organic compounds is caffeic acid, which is an essential component in bay leaves, which enhances heart health. Rutin strengthens the capillary walls in the heart, body and extremities while caffeic acid helps eliminate bad cholesterol in the blood and the heart and blood vessels.

Cancer prevention: Bay leaf contains a mixture of antioxidants and organic compounds, including phytonutrients and antibiotics, linalool, and parthenolide, in order to help the body reduce the effects of free radicals that turn healthy cells into cancerous cells and thus prevent cancer.

Diabetes control:    Bay leaves are linked to direct benefits with improving insulin receptors and blood sugar levels regularly. For patients at risk of developing diabetes, for those people who become vulnerable to developing the disease. With regular consumption of bay leaves, the chances of developing diabetes are significantly reduced.

Getting rid of dandruff: You can try bay leaves, as they are one of the ancient remedies for hair problems because they are packed with hair-friendly compounds. Boil the bay leaves in water, leave it until it cools slightly, and rinse the hair with the bay leaf water. Make sure to do this after washing the hair with shampoo. In the case of treating scalp problems, you can grind the bay leaf, mix it with coconut oil, apply it to the scalp, apply it to the scalp and leave it for 30 minutes.

Promotes healing of wounds:   Using bay leaf paste helps treat wounds and scars. This is thanks to the fact that it has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties and can be useful in treating fungal infections such as candidiasis.

Cough treatment: One of the advantages of using bay leaf is its ability to clear the respiratory system. If you have a cough, bay leaf can be the appropriate treatment by boiling the bay leaf in water. Once it cools, you can soak a towel in water and apply it to the chest to help you treat the cough.

 Treating menstrual problems: When you take bay leaf orally, it can reduce menstrual disorders. It also has medicinal properties in treating vaginal discharge.

 Induces sleep:  Eating bay leaves before bed helps stimulate sound sleep, and for this purpose you can consume a mixture of bay leaves before bed with water and consume it.

Insect repellent: Bay leaf is a great insect repellent because it is lauric acid. By placing a dish to add bay leaves to help ward off insects, or making a paste made of bay leaf powder and a little oil to help you reduce the effects of bites.

 Kidney problems: Bay leaves help you treat kidney infections and even break up stones. For this purpose, you can boil 5 grams of bay leaves in 200 liters of water, then filter the mixture and eat it twice a day, thus it will stop the formation of kidney stones.

 Relieves skin tension: Bay leaves help you relieve skin tension and thus prevent premature wrinkles that spread to the skin. For this purpose, you need to boil 5 bay leaves in 2 cups of water and keep the container covered, then remove the lid and leave it to boil for about 2 minutes. Now pour the drink into a large bowl, cover your head with a towel and inhale this steam.

Getting rid of head lice : To get rid of head lice, boil about 50 grams of bay leaves and crush them in water until the water reaches 100 ml. Filter the water, then apply the mixture to the roots of the hair and leave it for 3-4 hours before washing the hair. This mixture helps you remove head lice. Easily .

Nutritional value of bay leaves: The health benefits of bay leaves can be attributed to their nutritional value. They are exceptionally rich in vitamins, as well as copper, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, selenium and manganese, in addition to containing essential phytochemicals and volatile essential oils.