
Treating colon distension, a complete encyclopedia of the most useful ways to treat it quickly

By liliaturcin5

Treating colon distension is a matter that concerns everyone who suffers from it, and today we will present the most useful and quickest natural treatment methods. Colon distension is one of the diseases that may affect an individual as a result of exposure to some genetic and environmental factors and other reasons that may make you susceptible to this disease, as there are no definitive treatments to eliminate colon infections. Most often, the treatment of colon distension depends on the use of some home and medical treatments to help. In relieving the pain of these infections and reducing the rate of bloating by eliminating the gases that cause it, here we will learn some information about the symptoms of colitis and its treatment in the following parts.

Treatment of colon distension

1- Anise

  • When consuming boiled anise, it has been proven to significantly reduce gas production.
  • Anise is considered one of the most important hot herbal drinks to provide comfort to the stomach.
  • To get the best results, all you have to do is eat boiled anise.

2- Fennel seeds

  • When it comes to treating colon and bloating, fennel is one of the most important nutrients to consider.
  • It helps get rid of gas and can also help with urine production, making you feel more comfortable overall.

3- Ginger to relieve stomach and colon pain

  • Ginger is considered one of the most important natural herbs that treat abdominal pain and bloating, because it contains pungent substances such as gingerol, which are useful in treating gastritis.
  • Ginger is also useful in treating nausea and vomiting.
  • Ginger also has the ability to cleanse the intestines, and you can do this by boiling a cup of grated ginger in a cup of boiling water for 5 minutes, filtering it, and eating it with sweetened honey and squeezing lemon juice.

4- Fenugreek drink

  • Fenugreek is used to treat colon and get rid of the symptoms associated with it. You can also boil fenugreek on a daily basis and consume it to help eliminate bloating and relieve colon infections .
  • Fenugreek tea can also be consumed to help eliminate bloating and treat colon.

5- Boiled mint

  • Using peppermint can help relieve bloating and colon pain associated with Crohn’s disease faster because peppermint contains menthol oil, which is useful in expelling gas.
  • It also helps increase comfort and relaxation in the body.
  • Peppermint can also be used to relieve and reduce stomach and gallbladder cramps.
  • You can chew mint leaves or eat mint leaves cooked in water and sweetened with honey to treat colon problems and bloating.

See colon detox recipes

Causes of flatulence

It should also be noted that some of the more serious causes of colon distension, for which appropriate measures must be taken and whose diagnosis and treatment should not be neglected, include:

  • Ascites is a fluid-filled sac that forms in the abdomen as a result of malignant causes such as ovarian cancer or liver disease, kidney failure, and congestive heart failure.
  • Celiac disease, also known as gluten intolerance is a genetic disorder.
  • Pancreatic insufficiency results in a reduced ability to digest and absorb food in the small intestine, leading to diarrhea.
  • Perforation of the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in the passage of gases containing normal bacteria and other components into the abdominal cavity (peritoneum).

Medical causes of colon distension

Medical treatment for colon distension may be necessary if one of the following medical conditions is identified:

  • IBS is a disorder that affects the digestive system, particularly the intestinal tract (IBS).
  • It is also possible for an individual to suffer from intestinal infections, as it is one of the conditions that affects the human digestive system.
  • There are some motility problems in the digestive system.
  • Heartburn.
  • Food intolerance is a medical condition.
  • overweight.
  • Hormonal fluctuations, especially in females.
  • Giardia infection.
  • Some eating disorders, such as bulimia nervosa or bulimia nervosa, are classified as mental illnesses.
  • Anxiety, stress, depression and other mental illnesses are examples of these diseases.

Symptoms of colitis

Pain may occur due to gas that becomes stuck and does not move within any area of ​​the digestive system. Symptoms may include colon distension due to any hydrogen sulfide gas. Symptoms are as follows:

  • Burping.
  • The amount of gas produced.
  • Cramping and discomfort.
  • Feelings of fullness and bloating are common sensations.
  • Both growth and expansion of the abdomen are clearly visible in this case.

Although burping and passing gas is normal after or during a meal, and although this may be embarrassing and inappropriate in front of others, these behaviors rarely indicate a more serious underlying health condition.

You can also see recipes for colon treatment with herbs

Treating colon distension through diet

Many types of food and nutrients cause an increase in the accumulation of some gases within the digestive system, which leads to the appearance of bloating in both the stomach area and the colon. Therefore, following a diet free of these foods contributes to treating colon bloating naturally. You should avoid the following foods if you: Trying to treat flatulence in the upper abdomen and intestines:

  • Examples include fruits such as apples and pears.
  • Vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage as well as cauliflower are examples of these foods.
  • Whole grains such as bran.
  • Chickpeas and lentils are examples of legumes.
  • Dairy products such as milk and cheese are included.
  • Soft drinks and fruit juices are available.
  • Artificially manufactured sweeteners.

Treating colon distension through abdominal massage

You can do one of the effective ways to get rid of this bloating by massaging the abdomen, which contributes to returning the stomach movement to its normal state, especially when it is done in a direction that follows the path of the large intestine. It is possible to treat abdominal gas with massage if you follow the steps shown below:

  • Placing the hands above the right hip bone is a good idea.
  • Apply light pressure to the right side of the rib cage while rubbing in a circular motion with light pressure.
  • Rub directly on the upper abdomen, towards the left part of the rib cage, that’s what you want.
  • Make a slow, deliberate descent toward your thigh area.
  • The steps described above can be repeated as many times as necessary.
  • If you feel any discomfort during the abdominal massage, it is best to stop the massage process immediately.

How to treat colon at home

In many cases of colon distension, all of the patient’s annoying symptoms can be eliminated simply by changing eating and drinking habits, and also by abandoning some bad habits and adopting other good habits, such as losing excess weight, for example, and by following the following steps to significantly avoid swallowing air:

  • It is not permissible to chew gum, as it is clear that consuming gum leads to swallowing air, which in turn leads to the retention of gases in the digestive system.
  • Reduce your consumption of soft drinks.
  • Foods that cause gas, such as cabbage vegetables, dried beans, and lentils, should be avoided.
  • Eat slowly and mindfully, and avoid drinking liquids through a straw if possible.
  • Keep foods containing lactose away from the patient, especially if the patient is lactose intolerant.

Exercise to get rid of colon bloating

Exercise helps increase the frequency of bowel movements, which in turn helps the body expel stool and get rid of excess gas from the colon. As a result, to treat flatulence in a natural way. To relieve the symptoms of flatulence, it is recommended to do the following:

  • Walking or jogging are two good options.
  • Take advantage of yoga poses that can change the position of the abdominal muscles in a way that promotes the expulsion of waste from the digestive system, thus reducing abdominal and colon bloating.
  • Therefore, the child’s pose, the happy child’s pose, and the squatting pose are some of the yoga poses where you can apply these methods in order to relieve the symptoms of stomach bloating, which contribute to getting rid of the gases accumulated in the stomach quickly.

Treat the colon by taking a warm bath

  • Taking a warm shower and sitting and relaxing in the bathtub can help relieve gas and treat flatulence in the stomach and intestines.
  • The heat of the bath can provide relief from abdominal pain resulting from the accumulation of gases.
  • Therefore, it is also possible to relax to reduce stress levels, which may allow the digestive system to work more efficiently and relieve symptoms of flatulence.

How to cleanse the colon of gas-producing organisms

There are a variety of distinct and effective methods used to clean the colon of these gases, the most notable of which are the following:

The first method: drink herbal tea 

There are many types of herbs that are used positively in treating the colon, the most important of which are the following:

  • Ginger : It has an effect in accelerating the digestion process, which in turn leads to an increase in the rate of gas production.
  • Chamomile : This herb is known for its ability to relax the muscles in the digestive system, as this aids in the digestion process and helps remove gases from the intestines.
  • Peppermint: It contains one of the important oils, which is menthol, which has antispasmodic properties and helps relax the muscles inside the digestive system, and this is through its distinctive composition. Which acts as an antispasmodic.

The second method: eat turmeric

  • It contains a substance known as curcumin, which has proven effective in alleviating symptoms of gastrointestinal irritation, the most prominent of which is the accumulation of gas.
  • This was achieved by stimulating the production of bile in the gallbladder, which helps the intestines move easily.

Step three: Take cumin seeds

  • Given that cumin seeds contain substances that are anti-inflammatory as well as antioxidants, they help you eliminate gases.
  • They are one of the most straightforward additions that can be made to the daily diet in order to achieve a colon cleanse.

Ways to get rid of gases inside the abdomen

Because prevention is better than cure there are a number of steps that can be taken to reduce the likelihood of gas formation, including the following:

  • Foods such as onions, broccoli, mushrooms, and some fruits are examples of foods that contribute to gas formation and should be avoided in large quantities.
  • Reducing fatty foods : This is because fats slow down the rate of food digestion and help in the production of gases in the stomach.
  • Not eating fiber for short periods : Some foods rich in fiber may contribute to the production of gases, which makes it useful to stop eating them for periods to reduce the formation of gases.
  • Reduce the risk of gas formation by not swallowing air. This can be achieved by refraining from eating quickly or drinking soft drinks quickly.

Thus, we have presented all the treatments through which colon bloating can be overcome, as well as the causes that lead to colon bloating. We also mentioned simple methods and inexpensive home remedies that you can do to relieve the pain of colon bloating.