
How to Remove Limescale and Clean the Shower Tray?

By liliaturcin5

The shower tray, just like the tiling of your shower, requires regular cleaning to avoid yellowing or becoming clogged over time due to limescale, hair and bits of soap.

1 – White vinegar

It is a precious ally when it comes to maintaining the bathroom. Whether it is the shower walls or the tray, it is particularly effective against traces of limescale. For regular maintenance, simply dilute 1 glass of white vinegar in ½ L of water. Simply spray it, leave it to act for a few minutes, then rinse with clean water before wiping with a cloth. By repeating the operation often enough, you will be guaranteed to avoid the appearance of any trace.

2 – Bicarbonate

If the traces in question are too stubborn, it is possible to use bicarbonate. To do this, in 1 L of water, add a cup of baking soda crystals, before pouring in 1 glass of white vinegar. It is necessary to mix everything well for optimal results. Then simply spray the solution on the walls and the shower tray. Leave to act for 1 to 2 hours, then simply rinse with plenty of clean water and then dry the surfaces with a cloth. The result must be impeccable. Note that bicarbonate can also be used on natural stone. Simply spread it then rub gently with a sponge before rinsing with clean water.

3 – Lemon

Lemon is also an excellent ally. Its acidity helps fight against limescale. Simply take half a lemon, then rub the surface to be cleaned with the pulp. Leaving it to act for about an hour, simply rinse with clean water to see your receive free of traces of limescale.

4 – Black soap

For a stone shower tray, as well as for an Italian-style stone shower, you should prefer black soap to any solution that is too acidic.

All you need to do is use a damp, soapy sponge before rubbing the surface to be cleaned. By doing this simple action every day, you will be guaranteed to keep your shower spotless.