
Garlic, Goodbye Sprouts! My Grandma Taught Me How to Put It Away Without It Happening!

By liliaturcin5

Garlic is one of the most popular ingredients in cooking, used for its powerful flavor and distinctive aroma. However, one of the downsides of garlic is its tendency to develop green shoots over time, which can alter its taste and texture. Luckily, there are easy ways to store garlic properly to prevent those unwanted sprouts from forming, and my grandmother taught me some valuable tips for doing just that.

1. Choose quality fresh garlic

The first step to preventing garlic sprouts is to choose quality fresh garlic. When shopping, look for garlic heads that are firm and free of brown spots or mold. Fresh garlic is less likely to develop sprouts, and it has a much better flavor.

2. Store garlic in a dry, dark place

My grandmother always told me that the key to preventing garlic from sprouting was to store it in a dry, dark place. Light and humidity are garlic’s enemies because they encourage shoot growth. A cool, dark place, such as a pantry or cupboard, is ideal for storing garlic.

3. Use a breathable container

To store garlic, it is best to use a breathable container such as a wicker basket, mesh or canvas bag. This allows the garlic to ventilate well and prevents moisture buildup, reducing the risk of shoots forming. Do not store garlic in airtight plastic bags, as this can encourage condensation.

4. Avoid Refrigerating Garlic

Although some people tend to store garlic in the refrigerator, my grandmother always told me not to do that. The cold and humidity of the refrigerator can actually encourage the growth of garlic sprouts. It’s best to follow my grandmother’s advice and store the garlic at room temperature.

5. Use garlic within three months

Garlic has a limited shelf life. To prevent shoots from forming, it is best to use it within three months of purchase. The longer garlic sits in storage, the more likely it is to develop sprouts.

6. Check the condition of the garlic regularly

It is important to regularly check the garlic you have in stock. If you notice shoots starting to form, it is best to remove them immediately. Garlic shoots can be slightly bitter and give a less pleasant texture to your dishes.

7. Freeze chopped garlic

If you have a lot of garlic and can’t use it all in time, my grandmother had an extra tip. She chopped fresh garlic and froze it in ice cube trays with a little water. This way, she could use small amounts of frozen garlic whenever she needed, without having to worry about sprouts.

By following these simple tips, you can say goodbye to annoying garlic sprouts and enjoy the intense flavor of fresh garlic in your dishes. My grandmother taught me these tips, and they have been passed down from generation to generation. So, the next time you buy garlic, remember these tips and prepare delicious dishes without any worry about unwanted garlic sprouts.