
The ingredient that will make your tomato puree exceptional. Do not forget!

By liliaturcin5

Do you love genuine, simple, homemade food? Then you belong to our team, the team of those who prefer to prepare everything themselves, even tomato puree!

That intense aroma, that round taste, can really change a simple pasta dish and turn it into a masterpiece. Unfortunately, however, it is often a bit acidic and can cause some digestive problems.

There is an ingredient in the pantry that solves this minor inconvenience, if dosed with care.

Let’s find out which one!

It is this ingredient that will make your tomato puree outstanding. Do not forget!

To regulate the acidity of some foods and make them more digestible, all you have to do is add a pinch of baking soda. This is especially true for tomato puree. Don’t worry, it won’t change the final flavor in any way, but you’ll have to dose it carefully. The tip of a teaspoon is enough to make the difference without affecting its taste in the slightest.

If tomatoes have an acidic Ph, bicarbonate, on the other hand, is basic, and is therefore able to rebalance your sauce perfectly. All you have to do is put it in cooking, mix and wait for the puree to be ready!

But it doesn’t end there. A pinch of baking soda keeps the onions crunchy and tasty, because it prevents them from losing too much moisture, but allows them to achieve an optimal browning.

Even with hummus it proves to be an excellent ally in the kitchen and keeps the chickpeas soft. Obviously, then, it is recommended for disinfecting fruit and vegetables, but its uses extend.

Precisely thanks to its antibacterial and antifungal properties, it can be used to sanitize the hob, pastry board and all kitchen surfaces. You can make a solution based on water (500 ml), filtered lemon juice (1 is enough) and 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Mix it up, transfer it to a spray container and spray it wherever needed. Pass a damp rag (obviously clean), you will be sure that you have eradicated germs and bacteria!

Fantastic, right?!