
The Famous Clove and Garlic Shampoo To Enhance Hair

By liliaturcin5

Our hair is regularly confronted with external aggressions which can make it dull, dry and damaged. Coloring, straightening, excessive use of shampoos or even the use of irritating hair products can damage the hair. To have beautiful, silky and shiny hair, you need to provide it with appropriate hair care.

Do you want to stimulate the growth of your hair and strengthen its vitality with natural and effective nourishment?

Here is the clove and garlic shampoo recipe that will meet your needs.

Why clove?

Clove is rich in omega 3, fiber, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc and calcium, in addition to being a source of vitamins C, B6, B13, A, E, D, K, thiamine , riboflavin, niacin, folic acid and antioxidants.

Due to all these properties, when cloves are used on hair they can provide very interesting benefits, such as:

  • Stimulator of micro-blood circulation of the scalp, which promotes healthy hair growth.
  • Fights hair loss.
  • Leaves the scalp cleaner.
  • Fights dandruff and lice.
  • Strengthens weak and brittle strands.
  • Makes locks very shiny.

Why garlic?

Not only is garlic a great health ingredient, but it also has fantastic benefits for scalp and hair health.

It has antimicrobial properties good for the scalp; it is rich in nutrients such as calcium, zinc and selenium, which are trace elements present in hair and which contribute to its health; and it has bonus traits that significantly improve the health of your hair.

The miracle shampoo recipe

To make this miracle shampoo, nothing could be simpler! Take 100 ml of your favorite shampoo along with 10 cloves and 3 cloves of garlic. Crush these then add them to the shampoo. Next, add the cloves. Leave the preparation to rest for 48 hours. That’s it, easy isn’t it? Please note that the prepared shampoo will keep for 1 to 2 weeks.