
Discover A Magic Lemon and Honey Drink Helps You Lose Weight

By liliaturcin5

Want to feel light and have a flat stomach? So it’s time to discover my detox drink recommended by my dietitian! Super easy to make, it combines the properties of lemon and ginger to detoxify the body. Consumed every day, this healthy drink stimulates the digestive system, purifies the liver and helps you lose weight on a daily basis. Plus, it’s super good and costs almost nothing.

This elixir is to be taken in the morning on an empty stomach. It is best prepared with natural products, not processed substitutes.


  • 1 cup of water at room temperature
  • Juice of a lemon
  • 1 teaspoon of raw apple cider vinegar.
  • 1 teaspoon of raw honey or a small piece of stevia sugar
  • 1.5 cm fresh ginger root or ¼ teaspoon ground ginger

The Incredible Benefits of Lemon Elixir

If you start your day with this elixir, your body will certainly respond by increasing digestive enzymes and promoting digestion.

The liver will eliminate toxins and remove fat from the body. You will provide your body with the necessary dose of vitamin C and potassium. This drink taken in the morning manages weight and blood sugar levels, helps reduce bloating and allows the stomach to better break down food. The food will be properly absorbed into the body. The body’s pH becomes more alkaline.

Attention :

If you feel unwell or feel stiffness in your chest after consuming this lemon potion in the morning, remove the apple cider vinegar. This reaction could occur following the work of the body which begins to eliminate unwanted germs and toxins. Consume the lemon elixir, without vinegar, for at least three days.

Afterwards, you can reintroduce it using just ½ teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. If you have the same reaction, only take lemon water.