
Why should you leave a coin in your freezer?

By liliaturcin5

It is in fact strongly recommended not to eat food that has been thawed and then refrozen. However, in some cases your freezer may not have worked for several hours or days due to a power outage. An inconvenience that can happen when you go on a weekend or travel for several days. To ensure that the freezer part of your refrigerator has always worked well during your absence, the coin trick is useful.

The house may suffer water damage, a burglary or a power outage. Unlike the first two facts, it is difficult to know if a power outage occurred for a period of time if it was restored before returning home.

Here’s a simple tip to do before leaving that requires a glass, water and a coin.

Here are the steps to follow to carry out this preventive action:

Fill a cup with water and place it in the freezer overnight. When the water turns to ice, put a coin on the ice, leave the cup in the freezer then go out with a free mind. When you return home, check if the part is still in the same place or if it leaked while you were away. If it hasn’t moved, that means there was no power outage while you were gone. But if, on the contrary, it sank to the bottom of the cup, this means that the water liquefied before solidifying again and that there was therefore a power cut.