
Keep your Fresh Parsley for a Month: the Chefs’ Method

By liliaturcin5

As with the previous method, start by washing and drying the parsley well. Then chop it finely and place it in a bowl.

Once your bowl is full of chopped parsley, pour everything into a glass jar with an airtight seal. You can then store it in a cool, dry place – there is no need to place it in the refrigerator.

There is a variation of the bowl method which involves cutting the bottom of the stems to a height of approximately 12mm. Then place the parsley sprigs in a glass bowl filled 3/4 full with water. To store the parsley in this configuration, wrap a plastic bag around the bowl and secure it with a rubber band. This method helps maintain the humidity of the leaves without drying them out.

Parsley, with its freshness and health benefits, is an essential ingredient in cooking. However, its conservation can be a challenge. Thanks to these different methods, including the remarkable bowl method, you will now be able to enjoy your fresh parsley for longer. Feel free to try these tips and find out which one suits your needs best.