
An almost forgotten fruit: all the wonders of the quince

By liliaturcin5

The quince , known scientifically as Cydonia oblonga , is an ancient and versatile fruit that has unfortunately fallen into disuse over time. Our people, in fact, were fond of it, and consumed it in a myriad of different ways.

However, this fruit is full of health benefits and is worthy of rediscovery for its unique flavor and nutritional properties.

Origin and history

The quince is native to the Caucasus and Iranian regions, but has been cultivated and enjoyed throughout the Mediterranean and other parts of the world for thousands of years. In ancient Greece and ancient Rome, it was widely used for the production of jams and as an ingredient in many traditional dishes.

Appearance and features

The quince is similar in shape and size to an apple, but with a thicker, rougher skin. The color of the peel varies from yellow to light green. The pulp is whitish and has a hard, fibrous consistency when raw, becoming soft and sweet when cooked.

Health benefits

1. Rich in fiber

Quince is an excellent source of fibre, which helps maintain good digestion, promotes a sense of satiety and contributes to weight control.

2. Antioxidants

It contains antioxidants such as flavonoids and polyphenols that can help fight free radicals in the body and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

3. Vitamins and minerals

It is a good source of vitamins such as vitamin C, which supports the immune system, and minerals such as potassium, essential for electrolyte balance and muscle function.

4. Phytochemicals

Quince contains phytochemicals such as tanins, with potential anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects.

How to eat quince

Quince is a versatile fruit that can be consumed in several ways:

1. Cooked in a pot or in the oven

Quince is often cooked to create jams, jellies, compotes, and desserts such as tarts and cakes. It can also be baked with sugar or honey to make a delicious dessert.

2. Jam or marmalade

You can prepare a delicious jam or jam using quince pulp, sugar and lemon. This jam is excellent spread on toast or desserts.

3. Syrup or juice

A syrup or juice can be made using quince, which can be drunk on its own or added to drinks or cocktails for a unique flavor.

4. Fruit salad

Quince can be added to a fruit salad to give a distinctive touch to the dish.

Although the quince is an almost forgotten fruit, it is important to rediscover its health benefits and its versatility in the kitchen. Adding quince to your diet can enrich your diet and provide a pleasant variety of flavors and nutrients.

Don’t hesitate to experiment with different recipes and discover how this fruit can enrich your table.

Important: This website does not give medical advice, nor does it suggest the use of techniques as a form of treatment for physical problems, for which the advice of a doctor is required. If you decide to apply the information contained in this site, it does not assume responsibility. The intention of the site is to be illustrative, not exhortative or didactic.