
Caprese aubergines: they aren’t fried even if they look like it!

By liliaturcin5

Caprese aubergines: they aren’t fried even if they look like it!

If you like them, eggplants are great whichever way we decide to prepare them. But in the oven they are even more so. And right in the oven are the aubergines whose recipe you will find below: try them, they are delicious!

A simple recipe with few ingredients, it’s super tasty, you won’t regret the fried aubergines.

Let’s see how they prepare. We leave you with the ingredients and the procedure.

The ingredients

We need:

35 ml of olive oil
loaf for pizzas
sweet paprika just enough
dried oregano just enough
two tomatoes
pepper just enough
salt just enough
garlic powder just enough
an aubergine

The preparation

First of all, we trim the aubergine and then we cut it into slices about one centimeter thick.

We put it aside for a moment and we also slice the tomatoes. Now in a boule we put together a mix made of oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder, paprika and oregano: mix everything together.

Now we get a baking tray, cover it with parchment paper, grease it with oil and then place our aubergine slices on top. Then we flavor these with the mix of spices that we have described above and then we cover them with the tomato, which we also wet with the mix of oil and herbs.

At this point we cook in the oven at 180 degrees for a quarter of an hour.

In the meantime we will have cut the mozzarella into slices. When the aubergines are cooked, we take them out of the oven and place our slices of mozzarella on top. Now wet with a drizzle of oil, sprinkle with oregano and cook again.

At the same temperature we always cook the aubergines for 12 to 15 minutes.

Good job, have fun and bon appetit!