
Hamburger di lenticchie solo 50 calorie: buoni e leggeri

By liliaturcin5

Lentil burgers: good and light.

Lentils are certainly one of the most loved legumes, for their very particular taste and also for their link with the Christmas holidays.

But not only. These excellent legumes are also very rich in substances that can prove beneficial to health.

The recipe that we offer you today involves a very particular use of lentils: that is, as the main ingredient of a hamburger that we can define as vegetarian.

Lentils have a protein content between twenty and thirty percent. After soy, they are the food of non-animal origin that contains the most.

But lentils also contain many good quality carbohydrates, i.e. with a low glycemic index : their characteristic is that they are absorbed rather slowly, which has a positive impact on blood sugar and the sense of hunger.

It is not enough. Lentils also contain a lot of fiber , as well as minerals such as iron , zinc , selenium, potassium , phosphorus and magnesium , as well as folic acid: these are nutrients that we can all consider essential for the proper functioning of the body.

Lentil burgers: good and light

The ingredients you need to prepare your excellent lentil burgers are as follows: 250 grams of raw lentils, forty grams of finely chopped onion, a handful of parsley, an egg, a clove of garlic, salt and pepper to taste.

Proceed like this

Soak the lentils for at least twelve hours, then drain and blend them raw together with the parsley, onion and garlic (add with pepper and salt as well).

Now add an egg and mix the ingredients well using a wooden spoon. give the dough that you will have obtained in this way the classic shape of hamburgers, and then arrange them in a baking tray that you will have prepared by greasing it with a drizzle of olive oil.

The last step is to put it in the oven and let it go for about twenty minutes.

Enjoy your meal!