
Cranberry swivels: the secret that makes this recipe unique!

By liliaturcin5

Cranberry swivels are a delight for breakfast: soft and delicious, no one can resist their unheard-of goodness! What is certain is that beautiful as they are, it seems impossible to make them at home.

Yet with the secret tricks that we will reveal to you, you will succeed in the enterprise with great ease.

They have the intense aroma of a pastry product, but they are simple to prepare, believe me!

What are you waiting for then? Get to work, let’s get started!

Cranberry swivels: ingredients

For this recipe, get:

  • for the base:
    • 320 g all-purpose flour
    • 15 grams of fresh yeast
    • 1 egg
    • 150 ml of warm milk
    • 3 tablespoons of sugar
    • pinch of salt
    • 30 grams of butter
  • for the stuffing:
    • 50 g of dried cranberries
    • 50 grams of butter
    • 40 g of icing sugar
  • to grease:
    • 80 grams of butter
    • milk to taste

The preparation

Crumble the yeast into a bowl, add the milk and sugar, mix to dissolve well and leave to rest for about ten minutes.

In another bowl, put the flour, the salt, the egg, the butter, start mixing in the planetary mixer or with the mixer until you get a very uniform mixture. Seal with cellophane and leave to rise for 30 minutes in a cool, dry place.

Meanwhile, in a small bowl mix the butter with the icing sugar. When the mixture is creamy, add the blueberries.

Preheat the oven to 180°. Line the dripping pan with the special paper.

Flour the pastry board and take the dough again, divide it into 3 pieces and make a ball with each one. Roll out the first one with a rolling pin to create a ½ centimeter thin disc. Spread the surface with soft butter, then lay the second disc and grease it too. Repeat the operation also for the third part of the dough and always finish with a layer of butter. Make the surfaces adhere well to each other, then flour and further roll out the disc to form a thin rectangle about 3 millimeters. Bring one side towards the center, do the same with the other side, you have to create a long and narrow rectangle with two rounds of folds inside. Now spread the mixture with the blueberries and starting from the short side, wrap it around itself. Slice the roll thus obtained in equal parts, about 2 centimeters wide and place your rolls on the baking sheet, well spaced from each other. Cover them with a clean cloth and let them rest for 10 minutes.

Before putting them in the oven, brush them with a drop of milk and cook them for about 20 minutes.

Take them out of the oven and let them cool, then enjoy them.