
I fill the pan and put it in the oven. Dirt comes off the walls and grille on its own.

By liliaturcin5

Cleaning the oven can be a challenge. And for good reason, grease stains, dirt and food debris are often difficult to remove. Fortunately, it is possible to restore your oven to its former glory with some easy-to-follow home tricks.

If you want your oven to regain its cleanliness, opt for this trick that few people know about. All you need is   a saucepan filled with water and white vinegar.

Dirty interior of an oven

How to clean the inside of the oven with a pot full of water?

This tip is an alternative to conventional products that are potentially toxic to the environment. It is based on the use of a saucepan that must withstand heat. Then fill it with hot water and add half a glass of white vinegar and a little lemon juice. The latter participates in the cleaning process by acting   as an odor absorber.

Then place the utensil in the oven on the middle rack and set the device to a temperature of 250 degrees Celsius. Let the steam, white vinegar and lemon juice sit inside the appliance   for 30 minutes, then turn the appliance off to cool. It then attacks the softened dirt which is now easier to remove with a damp cloth.

It should also be noted that glass, porcelain or plastic pans should be avoided for this trick. Instead, prefer   aluminum, stainless steel, cast iron or ceramic.

clean the inside of the oven

How to clean the inside of the oven with baking soda and white vinegar?

You can also rely on the   cleaning and deodorizing properties of baking soda   and white vinegar to easily remove dirt from the oven. In terms of home cleaning, these two ingredients are simply essential. To use them in this case, follow these simple steps:

What you will need:

  • a damp cloth
  • sodium bicarbonate
  • White vinegar
  • Water
  • a spray bottle
  • a plastic spatula
  • rubber gloves

To apply this method, it is best to do it methodically. To do this,   first remove the oven racks   and all the elements that may be found inside the appliance. Then prepare a paste composed of half a glass of baking soda and a few tablespoons of water in a container.

In a cooled oven, spread the dough obtained on all walls of the device. It’s also best to use rubber gloves when covering the dough, especially if your oven is very dirty. This will also allow you to reach the corners of the oven without risking getting your hands dirty. Also, focus on the areas   most prone to grease stains.

Then let the substance act for 12 hours or even overnight   and take the opportunity to clean the oven racks. The next morning, use a damp cloth to remove as much as possible. If that wasn’t enough, follow up with a plastic putty knife to scrape away any remaining hard-to-reach particles.

The last phase of the trick is   to   use white vinegar as a complement to the baking soda.  To do this, pour it into a spray bottle and spray it on the walls. Leave it for a few minutes and wipe it with a damp cloth and, if necessary, add water and vinegar until the walls shine. All you have to do is put the grilles back in place, as well as any items you removed.

In any case, it is recommended to clean the oven periodically to avoid finding traces of grease that are difficult to remove.