
6 repellent plants that keep rats and mice away from the house

By liliaturcin5

The invasion of rats and mice is a real scourge for all landowners. In fact, it is a real nightmare: both in the garden and inside the house, rodents often spoil the crops, nibble the garden and destroy the provisions in the pantry. Not to mention that they multiply quickly and transmit many diseases. To remedy this, there is a panoply of radical measures, such as specific ultrasound devices, mouse traps or direct poison. However, the latter in particular is particularly toxic to both humans and pets. Fortunately, there are alternative solutions to hunting these pests naturally, safely and humanely!

To keep rodents away, some insecticidal and repellent herbs will do the trick. Indeed, it turns out that there are plants capable of repelling garden and pantry pests. Simply plant them in the heart of vegetables or on a balcony to get rid of these pests. Really, it’s all about the smell. For us it may be pleasant or odorless, but for rats, moles and mice, these smells are unbearable and drive them away immediately. In other words, it is safe for our health!

Quickly discover which are the most recommended herbs to protect your home and scare away the presence of these undesirable rodents.

What herbs will help repel mice and rats?


As aromatic as it is ornamental, tansy is any gardener’s ally. Both fungicide and insecticide, this resistant plant is very useful in gardens. You can even distribute some fresh bouquets of inflorescences in the cupboards and pantry of the house to scare away all types of insects. Its flowers are very fragrant and will scare away both rodents such as mice and small pests such as flies, mosquitoes, ants, fleas and other insects. The advantage is that it is undemanding and requires almost no maintenance. A little fertilizer every two weeks and a little watering in case of drought or high heat. In decoction or infusion, it is very effective in protecting the garden!


In villages, this plant is often grown along the plots and buildings where the seeds are stored. Elderberry roots emit a powerful poison, and the flowers exude a rather strong aroma. This natural insecticide will repel rats, mice, moles, voles and voles. Thanks to the sambucin it contains, elderberry manure gives off a particularly unpleasant odor for rodents that degrade orchards. This method is very popular in the agricultural world to get rid of undesirables without attacking the plants. Just use it pure or diluted in equal parts water.


Wormwood has insecticidal and insect repellent properties that are very effective against rodent invasion. Like elderberry, it can be planted near your garden, hung from fruit trees, or placed in mice’s favorite places. This perennial plant is also very useful for repelling ants, caterpillars, flies, moths, beetles… A decoction of wormwood is good to spray where there are rodents. Inside the house, you can fill some envelopes with dried shoots to install in closets to catch moths.

The Mint

We love having a good mint tea. Its aroma is delicately intoxicating and calming. However, unlike us, rats hate this smell! This aromatic plant repels not only rodents, but also insects. Also, to scare them away, plant mint plants in the garden, some bushes around the perimeter of the house. You will no longer have to worry about the presence of these parasites! In infusion, mint also protects the garden against stink bugs, aphids, beetles and other insects. The ideal would be to continue planting it in a pot in front of a window to scare away flies, ants and spiders. Also keep a few bouquets at home or in the basement: you will benefit from a good, fresh smell while scaring away undesirables.


To expel rats and mice, chamomile is also a formidable remedy! Its delicate white flowers evoke a beautiful romantic mood, while rodents terrify them. Especially if you hang dry bouquets in the corners. Its smell will be perfectly repulsive, enough to dislodge all these freeloaders. If you sprinkle a little chamomile on the usual course of these parasites, they are sure to turn around!

Cynoglossum officinale

Cynoglosse is also called “dog-rat” for its properties to discourage all rodents. They cannot stand the smell of this plant and try to get away from it as quickly as possible. And this, whether fresh or dry. Pour boiling water over the branches and spread them in different places. If you find a hole, also insert a small rat trap. You can also plant blackroot near trees and outbuildings. To completely secure your land, 25 plants must be planted for 2400 m2. The decoction of a “dog-rat” is quite poisonous, making it ideal for scaring away rodents. But use it with great caution as it is also dangerous for humans.

Any advice to fight these rodents?

  • Biodiversity is always more favorable than extreme methods. Some predators like cats really like rodents. Don’t hesitate to adopt a cat to scare away these parasites!
  • Always remember to clean the ground around the plantings: the earth must be compacted and the grass well cut.
  • Avoid covering your crops with mulch. Rodents tend to camouflage themselves under the mulch which becomes a considerable refuge.
  • Protect your fruit trees by installing a type of mesh around the trunk that will act as a barrier against rodents. And remember to surround your plantations with hedges.
  • Around the areas to be protected, scatter ashes, crushed garlic cloves, mint leaves, etc.

To expel rodents from your home once and for all, herbs must be applied systematically. Refresh houseplants once a week. Did you know these properties of herbs?