
The trick to revive a dried orchid whose flowers have faded

By liliaturcin5

The orchid is a tropical plant that loves heat and humidity. It therefore needs to be watered regularly, especially during its growth phase. When there is a lack of water, the orchid dries up, its petals fall and its roots take on a gray color. If you have forgotten to water your orchid, to the point that it becomes dry, don’t panic! you can always save her. Find out how to revive a dried and wilted orchid.

The orchid is a flowering plant that can very well   be grown at home  , as long as it is provided with the necessary conditions for its correct development. If not maintained properly, your plant could dry out and die. However, you can save it to make it bloom again.

withered orchid

How to revive a dried orchid?

Here are the steps to save your wilted orchid:

  • Cut the stem

When the orchid is dehydrated, its flowers fall off and its stems dry out. The flower stem is a rigid stem on which flowers develop.  It can also carry up to 20 flowers.

The first help you can give your plant is   to remove its withered flowers and let it rest.  To stimulate flowering of a dried orchid, it is necessary to prune it. To do this, count 2 buds from the base of your plant and cut the dried stem 1cm from the 3rd  bud   .

  • Take care of the roots

If your orchid’s roots are white or black, remove them with shears so as not to contaminate the rest of the roots. Also remember to remove dead roots. Press with your fingers on the roots,   if some are soft, it means that they are dead and therefore need to be pruned. Keep only the aerial roots which are always useful.

  • I repot
repotting an orchid

After freeing your plant from dehydrated roots, stems and petals, you need to repot it to change the substrate. Indeed,   who says a new substrate says a new supply of essential nutrients to help your plant flower again.

To repot your orchid, do not use a standard substrate. Your orchid needs a substrate rich in, among other things, clay pellets, sphagnum moss, coconut and charcoal fibers and pine bark. Also consider choosing a transparent plastic pot to constantly check the condition of the orchid’s roots. Repotting can be done every 2 or 3 years.

Therefore, you will have to provide your orchid with the necessary conditions for its correct development.

  • Exposure

Place your pot in a bright place, but without your plant being exposed to direct sunlight which could dry out its foliage.

  • Temperature

Keep your pot at a temperature between 18°C ​​and 25°C. Also, keep the pot away from drafts. Although the orchid loves heat, it does not like humidity, so keep your plant away from radiators or any heating system. Indeed,   the radiator dries the surrounding air and therefore your orchid will need more water in this case.

  • Irrigation

While your orchid’s roots can dry out and die due to dehydration,   too much water can cause them to rot  .

To water your plant  , remove the pot and immerse the plant in a basin of water for 10 minutes. Then remove the pot from the basin, let it drain and replace the lid on the pot. This technique will allow you to hydrate the roots, but also the root ball. Use room temperature water for watering,   as hot or very cold water may damage the orchid’s roots. It can also be used in irrigation water, a liquid fertilizer once a month but without excess. During warm weather, you can spray your orchid’s foliage, but make sure your plant dries well afterward. This is because   water can build up in your plant and cause it to rot.

  • Orchid diseases

When orchid growing conditions are not suitable, your plant can develop certain diseases. We can therefore notice a gray rot forming on its flowers, or black spots covering the plant. In this case   it is necessary to remove the damaged parts of the plant, to avoid the risk of contamination.

By respecting these conditions, your dried orchid will be able to develop new stems, with flower buds at the ends,   which will then give you beautiful flowers.