
Cockroaches: the trick to get rid of them forever

By liliaturcin5

Despite our many attempts to exterminate them, it happens that cockroaches settle in our house. In reality, these repellent insects are attracted to warm, humid corners. To get rid of them for good, learn an unstoppable baking soda trick, along with other tips to protect yourself from these pests in the future.

Cockroaches, cockroaches or cockroaches, these names designate the same insect that we fear so much. And for good reason, it’s sometimes painful to get rid of. These little beasts have an annoying  tendency to populate strategic places  in our homes, while they reproduce very quickly. In fact, males attract females and vice versa thanks to pheromones and vibrations to meet with their peers and create a colony, hence the risk of infestation. Fortunately, it is not impossible to eliminate them from your home by following these good tips. 

Cockroaches are attracted to dark, humid and warm places.

Crawling or flying, cockroaches tend to lodge in the least accessible corners of the house. Sometimes they can also be found in baseboards, cracks or crevices in walls. In France, the German cockroach is the most widespread omnivorous species. It prefers to circulate at night in dark places and can even come out of pipes, the dishwasher, the refrigerator, the sink, the garbage chute or the vacuum cleaner. Generally, commercially available anti-cockroach products are preferred to eliminate cockroaches. Only, the latter contain  toxic chemicals that can be harmful to health or the environment. For this reason, many people prefer to resort to natural alternatives to exterminate these undesirable crawling insects. And for good reason, in addition to being invasive, they can also carry harmful germs and pathogens. 

How to get rid of cockroaches with baking soda?

In addition  to the multiple domestic uses of baking soda  , this non-toxic and harmless ingredient is a formidable ally for the complete and lasting eradication of cockroaches. The ideal is to combine it with powdered sugar to create a very effective trap against these pests. For successful disinfestation, simply  mix a glass of sugar with a glass of baking soda  and pour this mixture into small plates to place in warm, humid places along the walls. Attracted to the sugar, cockroaches will also end up ingesting the mineral dust which will eventually dehydrate them before killing them. 

If you want an easier solution to use, it is possible  to prepare an anti-cockroach spray  based on sugar water and baking soda. Mix everything in a spray bottle and spray on the walking places preferred by these little beasts. 

4 other tips to combat cockroaches

At the slightest appearance, it is imperative to act quickly to prevent the female from laying her eggs. For this, there are other very effective tips to use alone, or in addition to baking soda. 

1. Diatomaceous earth

Ideal for fighting fleas, rodents, flying insects or bed bugs, diatomaceous earth is a very effective insecticidal product extracted from natural quarries. Its advantage? It is not toxic to animals or humans. 

To eliminate cockroaches and fight infestations, pour the product into small containers or glasses and place them in places likely to attract these insects. You can also  sprinkle diatomaceous earth directly in strategic places,  forming small piles about six inches apart. However, do not forget that cockroaches can be resistant and that sometimes it will be necessary to combine several methods. 

2. wine

Prefer a sweet wine for this trick, in order to attract these pests more effectively. To do this, simply  fill the jars halfway with a wine of your choice  and place them on the infested locations. Attracted by the odors emanating from the containers, cockroaches will end up climbing the walls to enter them and will not be able to get out once they have fallen into them. You can even optimize your traps by making them easier to access around the jars. Lay down newspaper or kitchen towels to create a sort of ramp. 

3. Eucalyptus essential oil 

Generally used to  sanitize the smell of the house  , eucalyptus essential oil is also formidable at repelling cockroaches and cockroaches. This natural treatment can be applied to all surfaces frequented by these nocturnal insects with just a few drops. However, it is advisable  to be careful when you have pets,  ingestion or contact with essential oils can be toxic for our four-legged friends or cause allergies. 

4. White vinegar

The smell of this pest control is ideal for repelling cockroaches. To take advantage of this, simply spray white vinegar in the corners of your home, under furniture or sinks, near the bathtub and sink,  in the garbage chute, or near your appliances  . Also, do not forget about dark places, conducive to their proliferation. Repeat the operation every 2 days for optimal effectiveness. The smell will deter them from infesting your home. You can even add a few drops of tea tree or lemon essential oil for a great cockroach treatment. 

What attracts cockroaches?

When cockroaches take up residence, it is usually due to several reasons. The first is the lack of hygiene. In fact, when we leave the dishes lying on the work surface, these crawling or flying pests are attracted to  the food remains, which encourages their proliferation. The same goes for  food stored in unsealed cans,  unwashed dishes  , or grease splatters. after cooking In this sense, it is essential to periodically clean your kitchen, especially the hood, cabinets and appliances. As for food scraps, always place them in closed plastic bags before throwing them into the trash. This will prevent cockroaches from being attracted to the crumbs. German cockroaches in particular, found in the kitchen, are fond of  dark, damp places  . In this sense, also remember to empty the container behind the refrigerator, responsible for collecting condensation water, and, if possible, use an air dehumidifier in the bathroom or kitchen. 

Also, remember that cockroaches are always looking for water sources to survive, and  any leak or puddle can attract them  . Therefore, periodically check your pipes and take the necessary measures to combat moisture or mold to prevent them from entering your home. In fact, it is especially these two conditions that favor their appearance since they give them warm and humid places to inhabit. Finally, if you have pets, don’t forget their kibble and water, which we often leave lying around. Baskets and trash should also be changed. and cleaned to prevent them from becoming real nests for these little bugs. As you may have understood, keeping your home clean is essential to prevent its appearance!