
Mattress: Get rid of stubborn stains with a simple home remedy

By liliaturcin5

We spend a lot of time on our mattress. Not just to sleep: sometimes we have breakfast there, we relax there watching a good film with little goodies at hand, we play there with our children… sometimes even our dogs and cats climb there to claim our caresses . Inevitably, with all this fuss, the mattress gets dirty. Aside from the dust that constantly accumulates, unwanted stains can form on a daily basis. Coffee or food stains, children’s pee stains, traces of sweat, blood or felt. The ideal would be to eliminate them on the spot. But sometimes we run out of time and put it off until the next day. These stains then end up encrusting, causing germs and unpleasant odors. Good cleaning is essential regularly!

After a tiring day, when it’s time to go to bed, you just want to rest and relax. And frankly it’s not very pleasant to find yourself in a dirty environment with questionable odors. Settling into a clean and scented bed will make the difference!

How to remove old stains from your mattress making it clean and fragrant? Quickly discover this simple remedy to make you feel at home!

Why do you have to constantly clean the bed?

You tend to overlook it, but sleeping in a bed that isn’t cleaned regularly can prevent you from breathing well at night because of all the dust that has settled there. The same situation occurs when the mattress is dirty and stained, which is why you need to act immediately! It is therefore important to constantly clean your bed and above all change your bed linen more often. This way, you will not only sleep better at night, but you will also protect your health from dust and dust mites. Not to mention that there is nothing more pleasant and comfortable than having a clean and fragrant bed!

Homemade detergent for cleaning the mattress

To make a good mattress cleaning product you only need 3 ingredients.


  • Marseille soap (1 tablespoon)
  • hydrogen peroxide
  • A bottle with a spray bottle

These 3 elements are enough and the stains will disappear in no time!

A highly reactive oxidizer, antiseptic and whitener, hydrogen peroxide is often used when you need to remove stubborn dirt from mattresses and clothing.

For its part, disinfectant and bactericidal, Marseille soap will leave a pleasant smell and thoroughly degrease the mattress without too much effort!

NB:  We remind you that you must use a solution of hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide) in 10 volumes.


If you have liquid Marseille soap, you can mix it directly into the spray bottle. Fill the bottle 2/3 full with hydrogen peroxide then add 1 tablespoon of liquid Marseille soap, allowing it to dissolve well. Shake the closed bottle vigorously until the two ingredients form a homogeneous mixture.

If you have solid Marseille soap, you will have to cut 1 tablespoon of flakes: it is better to dissolve them in a bain-marie so that they dissolve immediately in hydrogen peroxide. Alternatively, put the soap directly into the spray bottle.


The method of use is simple and fast. First, you will need to completely uncover the bed. We recommend that you air out your blankets or take the opportunity to replace your bedding if you haven’t done so in more than a week.

If you find that there is a lot of dust on the mattress, it is advisable to remove it with a special brush or a vacuum cleaner, in order to make cleaning more optimal and faster. After removing all dirt and dust residues, you can proceed with washing. You will need to spray the mixture generously on the affected area of ​​the mattress and then use a microfibre cloth to rub it well. Let it dry well.

And that’s it: your mattress is clean, fresh and ready to welcome you in the best conditions!