
With These Natural Ingredients, You’ll Never See Cockroaches In Your Home Again

By liliaturcin5

How to get rid of cockroaches with natural products?

Difficult to get rid of  cockroaches  when they have settled in the house. It appreciates humid and warm places and likes nocturnal movements, especially in the kitchen in search of food. Great hygiene is essential to avoid attracting them. Fortunately, there are natural and effective methods to overcome it.

How to get rid of cockroaches with natural products?

spring cleaning

Great cleaning is the first step, because cleaning is the number 1 weapon to avoid insects. Clean your home regularly, don’t leave crumbs or food on your counters, table or floor, keep your food in airtight containers and remove any kitchen waste.

If you are infested with cockroaches, vacuum everything thoroughly, including closets, under and behind furniture. Once this is done, don’t keep the bag, because the invasion will start again. Immediately throw the bag into the fire, drown it in a bucket of water before throwing it away (enclosed in an airtight bag), or take it to the recycling center.

The steam cleaner is a good way to eliminate insects without danger to your health. Pour white vinegar into your tank and clean all the places likely to attract them with this means: your floors, walls, baseboards, cabinets and furniture (inside, underneath and behind), under the sink, etc. Renew the operation periodically for several days to overcome it.

Natural tips to get rid of it

Here are our natural tips to say “goodbye” to cockroaches!

  • Baking soda and sugar  : In a bowl, mix the equivalent of a glass of baking soda and a glass of powdered sugar. Distribute the mixture into small glasses that you will place in hot and humid rooms and in the kitchen. Cockroaches will be attracted to sugar and baking soda, once ingested, will kill them.
  • Wine  : make traps with sweet wine that you put in glass jars. Distribute them in cockroach-infested rooms. The latter, attracted, will rush towards it and drown there, unable to get out.
  • Diatomaceous earth  : Diatomaceous earth is a natural insecticide. Sprinkle some into cups and place them in areas frequented by roaches. Pour some sugar on top to attract them.
  • Cucumber  : Arrange the cucumber slices on the plates. This vegetable is in fact a very good insect repellent.
  • Boric acid  : Mix one tablespoon of boric acid and one tablespoon of sweetened condensed milk. Form a leg and distribute it in several small cups that you will place in the places where the cockroaches pass. Do not hesitate to repeat the operation after 3 weeks to eradicate the second generation of insects, or even again if necessary.
  • Lemon Eucalyptus Essential Oil  : If the cockroach infestation is just beginning, you can eradicate them by pouring a few drops of lemon eucalyptus essential oil on pieces of newspaper. Place them where the cockroaches go.
  • Lavender essential oil  : on small pieces of cotton, place 5 to 10 drops of  fine lavender essential oil  . Have them everywhere, especially in your closets, and reapply them every day.
  • White vinegar  : On the bottom of your walls, under your furniture, under the sink and in places where cockroaches walk, spray white vinegar. The smell quickly scares them away.