
Millefoglie alla caprese: ready in an instant, delicious!

By liliaturcin5

Millefoglie alla caprese: ready in an instant, delicious!

This millefeuille with mozzarella and aubergines is as spectacular as it is good to savour.

It is prepared in a very simple way and gives great satisfaction to the taste buds: it is a really tasty alternation of vegetables and cheese, not to mention the tomato puree and basil.

But it is also a very light dish, provided you use light mozzarella, so as to reduce the total caloric intake.

Let’s see the ingredients and the preparation.

Millefoglie alla caprese: a delight ready in an instant!

The ingredients

For this recipe we will need the following: two round eggplants; two tomatoes; 250 grams of light mozzarella; just enough tomato puree; enough of fresh basil; cherry tomatoes; just enough salt, pepper and extra virgin olive oil.

Millefoglie alla caprese: the preparation

The first thing is to preheat the oven to 180 degrees, then take a pan and line it with parchment paper.

Now carefully wash the aubergines, dry them, trim them and slice them so as to obtain rounds all of them more or less of the same thickness. These eggplant disks should be salted and peppered and placed on the pan. Then they are moistened with a drizzle of olive oil and put in the oven for about twenty minutes. Important: the washers should be turned upside down after about ten minutes and wet again with a drizzle of oil.

In the meantime, cut the mozzarella and tomatoes into horizontal slices (like the eggplant slices above), then pour a generous spoonful of tomato purée on the bottom of some glass or ceramic bowls (they must be suitable for the oven).

Now prick the aubergines with the prongs of a fork and then pass them into small bowls, using food tongs.

Then a slice of tomato and a slice of mozzarella are placed in each one and the layers are alternated in this way until the work is completed with the cheese and tomato sauce. We garnish with a cherry tomato and…

Now all that remains is to gratin in the oven at 200 degrees and for five minutes. These colorful and delicious mille-feuilles should be served hot and garnished with a basil leaf.

Enjoy your meal!