
Crispy potato pizza, stringy and super tasty

By liliaturcin5

Crispy potato pizza, stringy and super tasty

When we have no idea what to bring to the table, a nice pizza can solve all the uncertainties. After all, who doesn’t like pizza? The one we offer you below is based on potatoes: it’s super stringy and super tasty. Try it!

Let’s see how this pleasure is prepared.

The ingredients

Let’s start with the dough. We need:

10 g of cooking oil
110 g of flour
60 g of hot water
enough salt

The preparation

In a large bowl, combine the flour, salt and oil, then pour the hot water over it and mix until there are no more lumps. At that point we start kneading with our hands for about two minutes.

When we have obtained a loaf, we seal it with food film and let it rest for an hour at room temperature.

At this point we dedicate ourselves to the mashed potatoes. We need:

salt to taste
a potato

Peel the potato and put it to boil. When cooked, mash it with a fork like a puree, then add salt and mix again.

For the accompanying sauce instead we need:

half a teaspoon of minced garlic
a tablespoon of lemon juice
a teaspoon of honey
two tablespoons of mayonnaise
salt to taste

Now in a small bowl, combine the mayonnaise, minced garlic, honey and a little salt. Then everything is mixed and as a last touch a little lemon juice is added.

And finally

And finally we recover the dough and divide it in half.

One half we roll it out with a rolling pin on a floured surface. We will have to obtain a sheet of about thirty centimeters in diameter.

Now heat a pan on the stove and place the pastry we have just prepared in it. When bubbles appear on its surface, turn to the other side and continue cooking over a not too lively flame.

After that we flip again and then close the gas.

And finally the pizza

With a spatula we burst the bubbles and then pour some ketchup on top of our “pizza”. We also add the spicy sauce and then the cheese, which we will have cut into slices: we place it on half of our base. Now we cover the cheese with the puree and then we spread another layer of cheese.

Then we fold the dough in two and set the stove on a very quiet heat to melt the cheesy filling. Then it is sprinkled with grated Parmesan, which is never bad.

All these operations will finally be repeated for the half of the loaf that we had set aside.

Good job, have fun and bon appetit!