
Eliminate fleas, ticks, termites, moths, cockroaches with these homemade mixtures

By liliaturcin5

Surely at some point we have had to combat pests that have entered our home, such as fleas, ticks, termites, cockroaches, moths, etc. In fact, it is not always that easy no matter how much we use insecticides bought in the supermarket.

Without a doubt, homemade solutions are often more effective, economical and less harmful. Below we will see a series of natural and ecological recipes.

That is to say, it is a powerful mixture of products or ingredients that we already have at home and they can greatly help us combat these annoying pests.

Let’s learn from these recipes and try making them:

Homemade recipes for fleas and ticks

The first recipe that we are going to see will be aimed at fleas, for this we must give our pet a bath. Next we will see how to apply a homemade solution:

  1. To begin, we proceed to mix 500 ml. of white vinegar with 200 ml. of water.
  2. Then, we apply it to our pet while it is still wet, spraying it over the entire fur.
  3. Next step, we let it act for about 10 minutes and then rinse it well.
  4. If we don’t want it to smell like vinegar, you can apply some shampoo or conditioner to give it a good aroma. We must also say that the vinegar aroma then disappears as the fur dries.

Another option is to use 1 sachet of chamomile, this eliminates fleas and ticks, precisely due to its pH. Let’s see the recipe:

  1. First, mix a tea bag with water in a cup.
  2. We let it rest for about 15 minutes in the bag in the water and then we can apply it to the fur.
  3. Finally, we can rinse it well with warm water to remove the mixture.

Let’s apply these homemade recipes on our pet to free him from these annoying pests!

Recipes with natural ingredients to eliminate termites, moths, ants and other unwanted insects

These ingredients are natural and free of substances toxic to humans and pets, which repel pests.

1. Orange essential oil

It is an oily orange substance that serves as a repellent, it is toxic to pests but does not harm people or pets.

In addition, it perfumes the home as a natural flavoring. By simply adding this essential oil, we dilute it in water and pour it into a spray bottle.

It is shaken well and we can now spray this natural repellent, we can apply it in different environments of the house.

2. White vinegar or lemon juice

White vinegar or lemon juice are ingredients that help disinfect and scare away moths, termites, ants and other insects.

3. Cinnamon powder or cinnamon essential oil

Cinnamon in powder or oil form has the ability to combat pests, eliminates them and stops their entry into the home.

4. Black pepper and cayenne pepper

These are very toxic ingredients for pests, but they do not harm people either, since they are not harmful.

We recommend: Homemade insecticide to kill flies, cockroaches and mosquitoes

How to use these ingredients to keep pests away

We can use these ingredients mentioned above separately and place them in places or sites that are accessible to these pests.

Some strategic places are windows, doors, drains, among others. To keep in mind, you can mix one or more ingredients with a little water, add it to a spray bottle and spray it in strategic places in the house.

Recipe to get rid of ants: With lemon leaves

To clean the house, lemon is a very versatile citrus fruit that we can apply daily. To stop pests, you can grate a little lemon and place it at the entrance or near the anthill.

In fact, we can even place lemon juice in glasses and place them in various rooms, when the aroma invades the environments it will repel insect pests and thus keep them away.

Let’s apply these recipes and tips to keep pests away from the home!