
How to eliminate fleas and ticks

By liliaturcin5

Many times cleaning and eliminating pests from the home even involves fleas and ticks, if we have pets at home. This leads us to ask ourselves: How to eliminate fleas and ticks?

It is not about doing it without the necessary care, in fact when spraying insecticides and cleaning the floors, it is vital to stay away from these environments so as not to affect our health.

The truth is that it is not a topic to be taken lightly, because we can be affected by allergies, eye irritation, cough, etc. Reason why we must look for more natural solutions.

In this article we are going to describe some natural insecticides that fulfill a double function, they eliminate insects and pests but at the same time they perfume our home:

How to eliminate fleas and ticks from my house

We invite you to learn about these natural methods:

Peppermint oil:

Mint is a repellent for insects, in fact they stay away when they smell this aroma. A simple but highly effective method is to do the following:

  • We mix 8 drops of peppermint oil in a little water and put it in the spray container, mix and spray in the corners of the rooms, windows and doors, which are possible access places for pests.

In addition, this natural insecticide serves to scare away mice with all the risks that come with having rodents nearby.

This natural method is even very useful inside the home, since we can soak the insecticide in pieces of cotton and leave them in strategic places or corners of the house.


As we know, vinegar is a great ally in the home and for everything. Especially when it comes to repelling insects, vinegar is very powerful:

  • We can simply combine one part vinegar with another part water in a container.
  • Mix well and proceed to spray throughout the exterior of the house.

Sodium bicarbonate:

Baking soda quickly kills insects because it absorbs moisture from their organisms:

  • We simply sprinkle baking soda on all sides, in wood cracks, floors, walls, among other places.

The results of exterminated insects will soon be seen!

Lavender, eucalyptus and rosemary:

Fortunately, lavender, eucalyptus and rosemary plants are not tolerated by insects. Reason why we can manufacture a powerful insecticide against pests:

  • The essential oil of each of them is mixed with water and we put it in a spray bottle. This is a way to spray this powerful insecticide or leave the concentrated mixture for several days and it will scare away these pests.
  • When we do it indoors, we are going to spray every corner of our home to keep insects away.

Mint leaves

Mint leaves undoubtedly help a lot, they can be placed under mattresses, in the closet, in the corners of furniture or placed in containers in strategic places.

Truly a very effective insecticide, it helps us eliminate spiders, moths, rodents, fleas, ticks, etc.

Cayenne pepper

It is impossible for insects to tolerate cayenne pepper, the way is simple, just spray it in places where they walk, they will stop doing it and disappear.

cedar bark

Cedar bark is very effective in exterminating fleas, the procedure is easy, just leave a few pieces of cedar bark behind furniture, under beds or in places where insects roam.

Let’s apply these natural remedies and we will see the excellent results eliminating all kinds of pests!

Specialized products to eliminate fleas and ticks

If you do not want to prepare these homemade recipes, or if the infestation in your home is already too large, then perhaps it is best to use products to kill ticks and fleas, which you can find in pet stores, supermarkets, etc. These insecticides are usually quite effective, however, remember to use them with due care since they can be very toxic.

We always recommend using protection on your hands and face, keeping pets away from the area where the poison was placed, at least for a few hours or days depending on the amount we are going to apply.